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Successful youth should be like this!


Master of the Faculty of Economics of SSAU Sevastyanova Svetlana won the contest "Woman of the Year of Stavropol - 2016".

On the eve of the International Women's Day - the main holiday of spring, love and beauty - in the regional centre the ceremony of awarding participants of the contest "Woman of the Year of the City of Stavropol" was held. The annual Stavropol Competition, which has no analogues in Russia, has long established itself in the capital of the region and has become a unique spring tradition. For the 19th time on the biggest concert stage - in the Palace of Culture and Sport - the city represented its most talented, purposeful, charming women, striving to be successful in everything.

We met them cool: a limousine, a red carpet, bunches of flowers and bunches of rose petals, flashes of cameras and endless applause ... And all because each of the 25 finalists (originally submitted 78 applications) has an impressive list of achievements in the labour, public and family life. Some names are familiar to many Stavropol people. But the main thing that unites these wonderful girls and ladies, among them were housewives, businesswomen, journalists, sportswomen and teachers, university professors and doctors, students, business leaders and research institutes, is that they managed to make their own special contribution In the life of a beloved city. They do not sit idly by, but strive to make the life of the townspeople better, more comfortable, brighter. Grow, educate, teach the correct values of children. And they always think about the future, boldly peering over the horizon.

Traditionally, contestants competed in three categories: "Business woman", "Woman is the keeper of the family hearth" and "Successful youth". Agrarian University put forward this year an unprecedented number of applicants for the title of the best of the best women in the city. Seven representatives of the fair sex, who took part in the prestigious competition, successfully study and work in the Stavropol State University.

Among them in the past, graduate of the Agrarian University, and now the dean of the accounting and financial department, the head of the department of accounting management, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honorary worker of the agro-industrial complex of Russia Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova. She was awarded a special prize in the category "Business Woman".

A gold medalist, and now an excellent student, organizer and participant of many large-scale university events, vocalist of the studio "Provence", a student of the IV course of the accounting and financial department Anna Gaivoronskaya took part in the contest. Everyone knows the name of another contestant - the most beautiful student of the Stavropol Territory, the master student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Anastasia Kazakova, a graduate of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, who won the titles "Vice Miss Studenthood - 2016" and "Miss Intellect". A talented post-graduate student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, veterinarian of the Scientific Diagnostic and Medical Veterinary Center of SSAU Olesya Yatsyk took part in the hot competition.

The jury noted the success of the student of the 4th year of the Economics Faculty of Yulia Gusenits and awarded her a special prize in the nomination "Successful Youth". But another girl became a laureate of this nomination - in the past she was a gold medalist and now a fourth-year student of the same economic faculty, master of sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics and coach Veronika Serikova, who in 2016 glorified her university with exceptional victories. Veronika is the best student of the country in the nomination "Sportsman of the Year" and the holder of the Order "The Best Young Citizen of Russia".

Well, the greatest victory in the contest "Woman of the Year in the City of Stavropol - 2016" from the excellent representatives of the Agrarian University was achieved by the economics department's student Svetlana Sevastyanova. Her "golden" voice has repeatedly sounded far beyond the borders of Stavropol - on the biggest concert stages of Moscow and Belgorod, Novosibirsk and Togliatti ... Being a multi-faceted personality, self-confident Svetlana masterfully and inspired performs both songs about her beloved Russia and well-known jazz compositions, she is the repeated winner of the Grand Prix of the Inter-regional festival of the patriotic song Soldatsky Envelope and other all-Russian and international competitions. Exclusively male jury and this time gave her the palm tree of the championship - in the nomination "Successful Youth". As a result, from the hands of the governor of the province Vladimir Vladimirov Svetlana Sevastyanova received the keys to her own "Lada Vesta".

During a very beautiful "pearl" solemn ceremony, a lot of different warm congratulations were made from men in honor of Her Majesty the Woman. But one of them, perhaps the most brief and at the same time super-important, could not leave anyone indifferent. "You are the Sun, the world and love!" - so says our rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Truhachev. And under these words, each of the men of the Stavropol State Agrarian University is ready to subscribe to the contestants and the entire female staff of the university.

Bravo, Svetlana! Well done, finalists! You deserve high rewards, universal recognition, and let all your future dreams come true! 

Дата новости для фото:  07.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  11

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