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Practical-oriented system approach to personal finance management


Students of the Faculty of Economics acquired new professional competencies at a lecture on macroeconomics with the participation of strategic partner JSC "Sberbank of Russia" represented by investment adviser, candidate of economic sciences I.V. Ermakova.

In the course of studying the discipline "Macroeconomics", the lecturers of the department of Economic Theory and Economics of the agro-industrial complex together with the investment adviser of JSC "Sberbank of Russia" Ilya Vladimirovich Ermakov conducted an open lecture on managing decentralized finances as an element of the state financial system. During the lesson, the problem of effective management of personal finances, reflected in slogans: "Time to think about the future", "Dreams are achievable", "30 minutes that will change your life" was put forward and successfully solved.

The lecture held for the sophomores of the Faculty of Economics aroused a keen interest not only among the students, but also teachers from the departments of entrepreneurship and the world economy, information systems and technologies of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

At the beginning of the meeting with an introductory speech, the lecturer of the chair of economic theory and economy of the agro-industrial complex Elizaveta Viktorovna Skiperskaya addressed the audience. She pointed out the connection of this topic with the course material already studied and presented the main participants of the open lecture.

Further, the head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy, Doctor of Economics, Professor Natalia Vladimirovna Bannikova spoke about the role of finance in the life of modern society, confirming the examples of the need for competent management.

The numerous questions of students, including "How can I increase my own material well-being, managing personal finances?", "What is investment?", "What can personal income and savings be invested in?" answered I. V. Ermakov.

In his speech, he noted that every person, during his life sets himself various goals, the achievement of which is possible with the skillful management of personal finances. Ilya Vladimirovich is convinced that investing in the stocks and bonds of large Russian companies can significantly increase revenues and help protect them from various financial problems, both now and in the future. Many believe that personal investment is impossible because of the need to have a very high income or large savings, but it is not. A person can start investing small amounts and by a certain age get a high return on their own investments.

Answering a question from students "At what age is it better to start managing your own finances?" Ilya Vladimirovich stressed that 22-23 years is the best age for forming material prosperity, high income from own investments.

The combined open lecture allowed students not only to get new theoretical knowledge, but also demonstrated the practical applications of them in a specific area - personal finance management. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  13

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