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400 agrarians of Stavropol Territory summed up the economic results of the industry and determined new priorities


The regional conference "On the results of the work of the agro-industrial complex of the Stavropol Territory in 2016 and tasks for 2017" was held on March 9 on the basis of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Stavropol State University.

Before the start of one of the most important regional events of the year for the wonderful Russian folk songs performed by the creative collective "Sloboda" the participants and guests could get acquainted with the products of the agricultural holding "ECO-culture", "Minvodsky feed mill", fruit association "Gardens of Stavropol" and other agricultural producers of the region.

Governor of Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirov, First Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory Dmitry Sudavtsov, members of the regional government, Minister of Agriculture of the Territory Vladimir Sitnikov, Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Trukhachev, Chairman of the South-West Bank of the Savings Bank Yevgeny Titov, Municipalities, veterans and honorary workers of the industry, agricultural producers and farmers of the region, representatives of banking and business structures, representatives of the scientific community attended the conference.

Opening the annual conference, the head of the regional agrarian department Vladimir Sitnikov on behalf of the agrarians of the region thanked the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Trukhachev for the opportunity to gather in the best agricultural university of the country and once again congratulated the most important event in the life of the scientist - awarding the title of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Governor of Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirov in his welcoming speech noted the special merit of the village workers in the successes of the agrarian and industrial complex of the province in 2016, including in the won battle for a record harvest: "Thanks to each of you and, above all, those who worked in the field and whose We are proud today". The head of the region reported that the growth in the agricultural production index was 10%, and in a number of sub-sectors it reached 30% or more.

The Governor assured those present about the revision of the norms of the regional law on the turnover of agricultural land. Although the law played a role, and the current norm did not allow any attempts at bribery to be realized, at the same time it is necessary to observe the interests of the owners of land shares, which in some areas rose to 600-700 thousand rubles. As a result, the regional commission for resolving land disputes received thousands of appeals from shareholders. The proposal of Vladimir Vladimirov - to reduce the amount of allocated land to one share, the corresponding legislative initiative is already being prepared by the Government of the Territory. At the control of the authorities and another serious task, which is planned to be implemented in two years, is the renewal of land lease agreements in common ownership.

Further with the report "Agro-industrial complex of Stavropol Territory: results and prospects of development" the Minister of Agriculture of the region Vladimir Sitnikov spoke. He reported that in 2016 the volume of grain production in the province increased by 15%, sugar beet by 48%, sunflower by 37%, vegetables by 14%, meat by 15%. Total agricultural production in 2016 was 211 billion rubles. The dynamics of the regional index of agricultural production almost 2 times exceeded the average Russian indicator. Currently, the Stavropol Territory is leading in Russia in the area of closed soil for growing vegetables - 130 hectares. In plans - by 2020 the share of greenhouse vegetables on the Russian market will increase to 25%.

The main priorities for the regional agribusiness in 2017, the minister indicated the rationalization of the use of arable land, the development of its own processing facilities and support for investment activities. At the same time, emphasis was placed on the introduction of alternative crops into the crop rotation, since 78% of all planted areas in the Stavropol region are currently reserved for cereals.

The vectors for the development of the agricultural sector in the new season are the increase in investment attractiveness and modernization of agricultural production, the implementation of measures for import substitution, the development of dairy cattle breeding, breeding nurseries, the increase in the area of fruit and berry and vine plantations.

In 2017, targeted programs such as "Support for Beginners of Farmers", "Development of Family Livestock Farms on the Basis of Peasant (Farm) Farms" and "Development of Agricultural Cooperatives" will be continued in the province. The total volume of state support for the industry will reach 6.9 billion rubles. Last year, state support measures amounted to 6 billion rubles. And this is the guarantee of the achieved impressive results. However, the minister believes that the industry should ideally add 400 million rubles.

Speaking about the profitability of production, Vladimir Sitnikov noted that in 2016 it was 30%. The production index added 10%. The region is almost 2 times higher than the Russian average. At the same time, the average salary for the industry is 25,000 rubles, but there are regions with unacceptably low incomes of villagers. The minister urged the heads of administrations not to sign their own impotence, but to deal with the issues of the shadow economy.

The head of the agrarian department of Stavropol asked for support from the governor on the issue of grants for small forms of management engaged in the production of grapes and fruits.

With regard to livestock production, the following figures were announced in 2016: meat production - 480 thousand tons (+15% to 2015 level), including poultry - 66%, cattle - 12%, pigs - 14%, sheep and goats - 8 %. An acute problem is the production of milk. There is no solid economic foundation for livestock. But in the region a number of measures have been taken: a new type of grant support has been introduced; subsidization of 1 liter of milk has been increased. A proposal has been made to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia to compensate for the costs, in addition to the construction of dairy farms, for the reconstruction and acquisition of technological equipment, as well as livestock, and expressed the hope that it will be reflected in the system of state support measures already this year.

V. Sitnikov believes that it is necessary to reduce the grain wedge and increase the area of technical, oilseeds and corn. This is required by the conjuncture of the world market. According to the minister, the region has all chances to occupy a decent niche in terms of deep processing. As for viticulture, here on the contrary: there are processing capacities, but the supply of raw materials is only by a quarter. The rest are grapes and wine materials from the Krasnodar Territory, Dagestan, Chile, Argentina. At the same time, the market potential is 140 thousand tons.

Among the key areas of investment were reclamation, processing, viticulture and horticulture. The minister expressed his confidence that in the near future all the shortcomings of concessional lending, launched by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, will be eliminated. The amount of concluded investment contracts for the current year in the agrarian sector of the region reached 20 billion rubles.

V. Sitnikov thanked the deputies of the regional Duma and members of the government for constructive dialogue in the process of work, heads of administrations and heads of agricultural administrations, thanks to whom agrarian policy is implemented in the countryside.

Representatives of science, technology, specialists, managers and workers of the agrarian sector, according to the Minister, determine the results of the work not only of the industry, but also of the entire economy of the region. V. Sitnikov also addressed words of gratitude to the present veterans of the agro industrial complex for the fact that in their time they preserved the agricultural branch of the region and laid the foundation for today's achievements. The Minister expressed special gratitude to the Governor of Stavropol Territory: "Thanks to your support, we feel confident at the federal level. Your comments and suggestions in many respects form the basis of regulatory legal acts prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. You always protect the interests of an ordinary worker, a peasant, a man of labor. "

The reports at the conference were also made by the director of the Stavropol Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Valery Kulintsev, the head of "Sabinin" of the Andropovsky district Gennady Sabinin, a member of the Board of Directors of the LLC "APH ECO Culture" Andrey Petrenko, Collective Farm of the collective farm "Rodina" of the Krasnogvardeysky district Lydia Dushka, director of Levokumskoye Levokumsky district Vasiliy Golubovsky and director general of the Dairy Plant Stavropolsky Sergey Anisimov.

Within the framework of the conference, a solemn ceremony of awarding the best employees of the industry was held in 2016. Awards and certificates for labor achievements in the field of agriculture in the province, merits in the economy and many years of diligent work from the hands of the Governor Vladimir Vladimirov, deputy chairman of the regional Duma Dmitry Sudavtsov, were received by heads of agricultural enterprises and ordinary rural workers. The awards of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation were presented by the First Deputy Chairman of the Krai Government Nikolay Velikdan.

At the end of the event the rector of SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Trukhachev shared his opinion: "I am glad that the economic conference was held at the Agrarian University, since 99% of those present are our graduates. 44% of the region's population lives in the countryside, and for us now an important task is to worry about the village. Each piece of land in the Stavropol region must have a diligent and competent master. Wait that the state will see a small village today, really want to, but we ourselves need to make efforts in this direction. "

Other participants of the conference noted that its format is becoming more constructive, it becomes an effective platform for fruitful discussions and constructive proposals for further development of the agricultural sector of the region. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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