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We can solve business cases!


The team of Stavropol SAU is a finalist of the All-Russian Championship "Iron Entrepreneur".

March 6-7, Moscow hosted the final of the All-Russian Championship on the solution of business cases "The Iron Entrepreneur" organized by the Business Incubator of the Higher School of Economics, together with its partners, the Agency for Innovative Development, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the National Entrepreneurs Network. 12 teams from the universities of Stavropol, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Izhevsk, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, the Russian Academy of Economic Sciences named after Plekhanov, Moscow State University, Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Financial University gathered in the final of the competition.

The first day of the championship lecturers and experts Anton Kudrin, Alexander Rumyantsev, Mikhail Erman, Sharif Carmo devoted to the theme of entrepreneurship. Participants of the final of the contest also visited the technology company Mail.Ru Group, where they learned about the format of the company's work and got acquainted with one of the projects within Mail.

The second day was already competitive. Participants were given an hour to generate business ideas based on a case from Chenghis Lehatinov, which consisted in the technology of reading body pulses with the help of special sensors. Then the teams announced their projects on the basis of the task of commercializing the business idea.

Our region was represented by a team of winners of the regional stage of the "Iron Entrepreneur" competition, which took place in October 2016 as part of the Innovation Week - 2016. The Stavropol team included 2-3 year students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of Stavropol State Agrarian University Alexei Grigoriev, Viktor Yermyshkin, Roman Ohanjanyan, Maxim Anuprienko and magistrate student Dmitry Grabelnikov. The accompanying trainer was the head of the SRIS and NTTM department of the scientific and innovative training center of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Sergei Pavlovich Sklyarov.

The team of Stavropol Territory performed at a high level, received many positive reviews from other participants in the competition, organizers and experts and was awarded certificates of the finalists of the All-Russian Championship to solve business cases "Iron Businessman". But the main victory in the contest was won by the team of the RGU. Plekhanov, who was awarded with VIP tickets for the AmoCRM business conference and the winner's cups. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  17

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