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From practical activities to knowledge


At the lecture of the graduate of SSAU, an individual entrepreneur Yu.D. Syrov students of the Faculty of Economics got to know the experience of organizing and doing business.

In the course of the practical-oriented lecture "How to become an entrepreneur" Yury Dmitrievich Syrov told the students of the 4th year about professional competencies necessary for doing business.

Special interest of students was caused by information about the birth of his entrepreneurial idea during the 2nd year of the Economics Department of the Agrarian University, about the process of opening a business, the difficulties with hiring and organizing the labor activity of employees, the search for starting capital and clients of the firm, and the use of borrowed funds.

The lecture analyzed business ideas of the students themselves in terms of their feasibility and overcoming possible risks.

The lecturer concluded the lecture with the words that the bachelor's degree gives not only basic knowledge, but also the ability to constantly develop them in the process of further education in the magistracy, in the system of additional education and constant self-education during the entire working life.

The open lecture allowed the students to compare the knowledge gained while studying the theoretical course "Entrepreneurship" with the experience of their practical use in the organization and conduct of entrepreneurial activities. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  8

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