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"Professionals" share secrets


Future technologists of wine have learned firsthand from the first hand about the history, working days of Ltd Abrau-Durso and the subtleties of the winemaker's profession.

The 3rd year students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources (directions of preparation "Food from Vegetable Raw Materials") met with A.A. Yukhnova, an explorer of Ltd Abrau-Dyurso.

Anna Alexandrovna began her communication with future technologists from the legendary past of the Abrau-Dyurso factory, which leads its history from the date of the Emperor Alexander II decree - November 25, 1870, when the same name was borne by Abrau lake and Durso river, belonging to the royal family.

But the real rise in wine production in Abrau-Durso began only in the early 1890s - with the appointment of Prince Golitsyn as the manager of specific winemaking. In these years under his leadership were built five cellars for 50 thousand buckets of wine, where the production of champagne was concentrated. The first edition of 13 thousand bottles was produced in Abrau-Durso under the guidance of French specialists in 1896, and two years later the first batch of champagne with the brand "Abrau" - 25 thousand bottles. Then champagne was supplied only for the royal court and the aristocracy.

The modern enterprise produces sparkling wines both in classical way and accelerated, and the overwhelming majority of products are produced precisely by the accelerated method.

From the lips of the professional, the students of the StGAU learned innovative methods of producing Russian champagne, asked questions they were interested in and watched a presentation film about ZAO Abrau-Durso, a Russian company specializing in the production of champagne and sparkling wines. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  7

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