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Search for entrepreneurial ideas: domestic and foreign vectors


For the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Economics "Business Informatics" and "Service, State and Municipal Management" organized a tutorial "Entrepreneurial Idea and Its Choice".

Active method of training on processing and evaluation of new ideas "Brainstorming", within the framework of the development of international relations and the study of the disciplines "Entrepreneurship" and "Entrepreneurship in the hospitality industry", decided to apply Doctors of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy Natalia Tellova and Julia Orel.

The purpose of this kind of training was the exchange of experience in organizing business activities in foreign countries, deepening, systematization and consolidation of theoretical knowledge received by students in lectures and in the process of independent work, as well as analysis of problematic issues in discipline.

The lesson was attended by the bachelor Györd Puszta from the University of Karoli Robert (Hungary), the teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy - Candidates of Economic Sciences, associate professors S. Serikov and A. Tenishchev

During the tutorial, it was necessary to find a new idea and evaluate it. Unconventional options, voiced by the participants in the discussion, aroused particular interest. Students actively picked them up, built combinations, suggested ways for further development.

The interactive form of studying the discipline allowed students to assess their willingness to start their own business, to learn the specifics of doing business in European countries and to understand in more detail the formats of business cooperation with foreign countries. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  9

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