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Learning to protect fruit crops


Open lesson "Integrated system of fruit garden protection" for future agronomists was conducted by a representative of the company Summit Agro in the North Caucasus region - M. Yu. Balatsky, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

During the lecture, the 4th year students of the Agrobiology and Land Resources Faculty of the Agronomy Department (the "Plant Protection" profile) got acquainted with the main pests and pathogens of fruit crops diseases, peculiarities of protective measures in the garden. From the mouth of a professional, they learned about an integrated program and innovations in the field of protection of stone fruit. Mikhail Yurievich also talked about the work of the agronomist and the specifics of labor in the field of plant protection.

The lesson organized within the framework of the discipline "Plant Protection Systems" was conducted in the form of a live dialogue, and for all correct answers students received branded gifts from the company "Summit Agro". The event was actively attended by the staff of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, associate professors Yu. A. Bezgina, N.N. Glazunov, L.V.Maznitsyna, and A. N. Shipulia.

For your information:

Summit AGRO is part of Sumi Agro Europe (London, UK), which is part of Sumitomo Corporation, one of Japan's leading multinational companies. Sumi Agro Europe operates a network of its companies and branches located in France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and the CIS.

In Russia OOO Summit Agro was founded in 2008, after more than 20 years of experience in the field of plant protection products through the office of Sumitomo Corporation in Moscow. Mostly the company is focused on the original Japanese products for plant protection. This business strategy is planned to be maintained in the future. The main goal is cooperation with suppliers of unique products and services for clients, which will allow to increase the contribution to the integration of technologies and the development of agriculture in the Russian Federation. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  9

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