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Spring is coming, spring is the way!


The traditional spring concert pleased the guests, students and teachers of the Agrarian University.

The concert, which took place on March 15, was opened by the vice rector for educational and upbringing work, assistant professor Ivan Atanov, who wished all the employees and students of the spring sunny mood!

Dean of the faculties Alexander N. Esaulko greeted the Vice-Rector for Social Affairs and Complex Security present at the hall, Professor I. Yu. Sklyarov, Vice-Rector for Additional Education, Associate Professor O. M. Lisova, Head of the Department for Educational Work and Social Issues, Associate Professor T.I. Gunko, Dean of the Accounting and Finance Department, Professor E. I. Kostyukova, as well as guests - the head of the administration of the Deminsky Municipal Council A. V. Ilchenko and the veteran of labor, assistant professor of the selection and seed breeding department A. Ye. Zubov. Foreign students from the Middle East also attended the festive concert, currently studying at the preparatory department of the Stavropol State University.

A truly springy atmosphere prevailed throughout the concert program on stage and in the hall. His creative numbers of spectators were pleased with the invited collectives of "Millennium" and "Barmen-show", soloist of the regional philharmonic society Victor Khan, the collective of oriental dance of the accounting and financial department of SSAU. Professionals and organizers - students of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture - Nadezhda Kovalenko, Tatyana Khutornaya, Lyubov Gorbatenko, the collective of the Cossack song "Lel", the dancing collective "Daria", etc., also congratulated the participants. The students and teachers, they received an excellent charge of spring mood for the rest of the school year! 

Дата новости для фото:  17.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  6

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