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Why marketing is necessary for a modern specialist?


Professionals in the field of marketing, former graduates of the Agrarian University, helped to understand this problem to the students of the Faculty of Economics of SSAU.

The theme of the workshop "Organization of marketing activities at the enterprise", which took place at the Faculty of Economics, aroused great interest among students-agrarians. At the meeting the graduates of the university were invited. These are leading marketing specialist of LLC "Agroholding "Energomera " Olga Onegkina and head of service marketing of salons of cellular communication "Apple City" Tatyana Babenko.

At the beginning of the meeting the teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the agro-industrial complex together with market specialists explained the role and targets of marketing research, its place in the organizational structure of the enterprise, as well as the role of marketing information in the activities of any organization, regardless of its belonging to any field of Economy.

The workshop was conducted in a dialogue mode. Students in advance studied theoretical aspects of marketing and issues related to the organization of marketing activities in the enterprise.

In her speech, O. Onegkina noted that marketing coordinates the work of all structural divisions of the enterprise and directs their activities to meet the needs and demands of consumers. In addition, using marketing data, the company's management receives the necessary information about which products and why consumers are in demand; Which price do consumers agree to pay for the goods; In which regions is the demand for products the highest and in which segments of the market can the sale of products bring the greatest profit.

Answering the questions of students T. Babenko emphasized that in recent years the orientation of marketing towards individual consumers with their real needs and needs have become increasingly popular. As a result, the concept of marketing is formed, according to which all the activities of the enterprise must be carried out taking into account the constantly changing market conditions, based on the satisfaction of the requests of the individual customer and determining possible changes in the future. All this gives a good chance to increase the demand for the enterprise's products, keep existing ones and attract a significant number of new customers.

Future economists were also interested in issues related to the influence of marketing on the economic results of the company's production and economic activities. These are profit and profitability. In the opinion of specialists T. Babenko and O. Onegkina it is thanks to marketing activities that the market is expanding, which in turn leads to economies of scale, lower costs and additional profits, which is an internal source of enterprise development, its activities.

At the conclusion of the workshop participants concluded that marketing is the commercial lever of an enterprise, without which even the best strategic plan cannot lead to satisfactory production results. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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