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Employment of graduates and students of senior courses? The solution is!


A meeting of students and employees of the South-Western Bank of PJSC Sberbank, a strategic partner of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, was held at the Accounting and Finance Department.

The event was attended by the expert of the Personnel and Career Development Department Olga Glushchenko; Darya Babenko, Analyst, Recruitment and Adaptation Department; Dean of the Accounting and Finance Department Elena Kostyukova; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Maria Tatarinova; Faculty of the department of financial management and banking.

The meeting was initiated by Sberbank in connection with the creation on December 15, 2016 in Stavropol of a subdivision of the central subordination "Corporate Solutions Center". This centralized remote site of the Corporate Block will be designed to implement the functions of remote sales and customer service - legal entities, as well as to support internal customers.

According to representatives of the Savings Bank, during 2017 it is planned to form the staff of the new division to 700 people. And thus, the possibility of finding employment for graduates of the University is absolutely real.

Daria Babenko described in detail the criteria for selecting future employees of the Bank. At the same time she noted that Sberbank provides systematic and integrated training of all target groups of personnel, their professional development and career growth. Young specialists are offered unique world-class training programs that combine various formats with the active use of educational online technologies. Thus, at each stage of career development, Bank employees have ample opportunities for self-improvement and development of professional competencies and skills. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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