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Participation in the 11th session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the work of the Committee on Public-Private Partnerships


Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit of the Accounting and Finance Department of the St. Petersburg State Aviation University I.V. Taranova took part in the events of the United Nations Organization.

About 20 countries participated in the work of the Economic Commission for Europe, from 20 to the 23th of March, including Tajikistan, Italy, Israel, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, etc. It should be noted that while remaining, in fact, the only universal body of inter-state cooperation in the pan-European region, the Commission Provides conditions for a flexible, integrated and effective response to emerging challenges and threats in the social and economic spheres, successfully adapts its activities to the changing needs of Member States and confirms its relevance.

Within the framework of expanding the international cooperation of the Stavropol State University and, in particular, the Accounting and Finance Department, Irina Victorovna Taranova, professor of the STGAU, took part in the eleventh session of the Economic Commission for Europe, which was held at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland.

The fundamental task set by the UN Committee was the investment and transformation of investment activities in the public-private partnership for the benefit of people in the interests of sustainable development of countries.

During the meetings of representatives of the member countries of the Committee, investment projects such as the introduction of solar installations in Morocco, the largest investment projects in the countries of Senegal, Europe, near and far abroad countries were reviewed and analyzed; The issues of interaction between the administration, practitioners and representatives of universities were also raised within the framework of the development of public-private partnership.

Based on the results of the work of the Committee, a collection of scientific papers and a collective monograph will be published.


The Commission's session is the highest governing body of the ECE and is held in Geneva for odd years (every two years). It is responsible for strategic decisions, serves as a forum for implementing high-level political dialogue on key issues of economic development in the pan-European region. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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