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We expand the boundaries of professional knowledge and geography of cooperation


In the II International Conference " Poultry factory. Poultry and poultry processing industry "took part the professor of the department of private zootechny, breeding and breeding of animals of the Faculty of Technological Management of Stavropol State University E.E. Epimakhov.

Over 200 people from 11 countries of Europe and Asia came to the conference on March 22-23 in St. Petersburg. Among them, international experts in the field of genetics, feeding and bird diseases, managers and specialists of poultry farms in Russia, CIS and Europe, producers of mixed fodders, poultry equipment, marketers, brand managers, profile research institutes, associations, representatives of regional and federal authorities. Such a major event was made by the Sfera Publishing House.

"Ptitseprom-2017" is an excellent platform for live communication among professionals and discussing a wide range of vital issues in the production of the poultry industry - from the egg to the counter, " says Elena Eduardovna Epimakhova, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of the Stavropol State University, who took part in II International Conference.

After listening to the reports, her informal communication with colleagues took place, including Shuysheng Hou, a professor at the Institute of Animal Husbandry of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, specializing in the breeding and feeding of ducks. By the way, it was professor Howe, who having conducted the appropriate genetic selection, brought out a new specialized breed "Z-View of the Beijing Duck" with high-fat meat and fodder yield. Also useful was the dialogue with the doctor of veterinary sciences, freelance consultant of the Austrian company Pannon Poultry Services Imre Horvath-Papp, who is a specialist in the field of viral diseases of poultry, including avian flu. But the most interesting, according to the famous Stavropol poultry breeder, Elena Eduardovna Epimakhova, was a report and subsequent communication with the professor of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the president of the Israel branch of VNAP Avigdor Kahaner, famous for having led a population of heat-resistant featherless broilers.

In general, the business program of the conference, designed for two days, covered the most urgent topics of the industry - from a review of the world poultry industry and its prospects to advanced technologies for poultry slaughter and processing, selection, genetics in broiler production and veterinary problems. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.03.2017
Номер новости для фото:  9

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