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Academic Council meeting


The main issues on the agenda "On the state and improvement of social conditions, educational work and student self-government in hostels of the Stavropol State University" were discussed by the members of the Academic Council together with the students.

At the beginning of the Academic Council meeting of Stavropol State University, rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, officially presenting diplomas, certificates and certificates, warmly congratulated every teacher of Agrarian University on deserved successes and achievements.

Rows of the scientific community of the university have been replenished by a Doctor of Law Nadezhda Miroshnichenko, head of the Department of State and Municipal Management and Law of the Economic Faculty of SSAU, and Candidate of Technical Sciences Denis S. Kalugin, senior lecturer of the Department of Mechanics and Computer Graphics of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization/

The certificates of the assistant professor were received by five teachers – T.N. Uryadova, T.A. Bashkatova – "Accounting and Statistics" (Department of Economic Analysis and Auditing); E.V. Volosova - "Analytical Chemistry" (Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection); Yu. A. Mandra - "Ecology" (Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction); S. S. Voitsekhovskaya - Economics and Management of the National Economy (Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy).

The rector and the staff of the university congratulated the head of the Department of Financial Accounting Natalia Valentinovna Kulish with the conferment of the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex". Five university teachers - associate professors N.A. Esaulko, V.G. Zhdanov, D.V .Kalugin and senior lecturers D.S Kalugin, A.A. Pokotilo were awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory; and a member of the Department of Current and Major Repairs of Buildings and Structures A.I. Vasilenko and associate professor of the Department of Tourism and Service K. Yu. Mikhailova - were awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory.

Further on the main issue on the agenda of the Academic Council, the report was made by Nikolai Petrovich Golovin, chairman of the primary trade union student organization of Stavropol State University. He noted that choosing an educational institution for themselves, applicants are always interested in whether they will be provided with comfortable living conditions.

The Stavropol State University has five dormitories with a total area of ​​37,634 square meters for 2326 places for accommodation of out-of-town students. All of them are within walking distance from the academic buildings, scientific library, and university infrastructure for extracurricular activities. There are Favorable conditions for life, preparation for classes, cultural and sporting leisure are created in the hostels of sectional and corridor types.

The deficit of places was eliminated with the opening in 2016 of one of the most comfortable student hostels in Russia - hostel number 5 on the Pushkin street; its area is about ​​13479.6 thousand square meters and designed for 750 people. More than 60% of nonresident students of Agrarian University live in university dormitories, the main plus of which, in their opinion, is the financial aspect. The primary right to receive a place in the hostel is used by orphan and students with disabilities. The cost of living in the hostels of SSAU is really the lowest in comparison with other universities in Stavropol and universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. For orphans and disabled students, places in dormitories for the entire period of study are provided free of charge, and the winners of the Olympiads and the meeting of student production brigades are exempt from payment for one year.

According to their conditions, all hostels fully meet sanitary standards and requirements. They are equipped with through turnstiles, fire alarm system with warning and evacuation control system for people in case of fire, specialized equipment for barrier-free access of persons with disabilities and disabled people. There are individual rescue devices on every floor. The renovation of the furniture fund is coming to the end. Students note that living in comfortable rooms contributes to good study, high-grade rest and excellent mood. By the way, special areas for sports, dance classes, self-study rooms, a library are also allocated for leisure and rest in hostels. There is a medical center and a local computer network. There are sports and recreational facilities, including sports grounds for streetball and volleyball in the adjoining territory of the hostels.

Most of the students living in dormitories are from the Stavropol Territory, 58% from rural areas. There are also 43 foreign students living in the hostels who are actively involved in cultural and sports university life.

The vice-rector for administrative and economic work and capital construction of the State Agrarian University, Aleksey Viktorovich Butenko, in his report raised some problematic issues that require an urgent decision. They concerned the reconstruction of the hot water supply system in the hostel No. 4, the uninterrupted water supply of the hostel No. 6 and the creation of a catering center in this hostel, as well as the need to replace lighting fixtures with LED lights.

In March 2017, a survey was conducted on students' satisfaction with the quality of social services provided in the dormitories. As a result, students are generally satisfied with their quality. But, of course, there are also areas for improving social and living conditions, educational work and student self-government in dormitories No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 of the Stavropol State University.

During the Academic Council all these points were highlighted in the speeches of the chairmen of student councils of dormitories, members of the student government bodies of the State University of Civil Aviation, who together, with the support of the university's management, decide important questions of the life of the agrarian students.

For example, the student of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Valery Rudomanov, the chairman of the student council of the dormitory No. 4, where 443 girls live, thanked the rector V.I . Trukhachev on the behalf of the girls for good repair works on the improvement of the hostel: installation of plastic windows, boiler and heating mains, roof repair, alteration of sanitary rooms, repair of staircases with installation of lighting, installation of electrical panels in specially equipped boxes. Students have an opportunity to train on the fitness machines on the three floors of the hostel. But there is necessary to equip a self-study room with new closets. The girls themselves want to conduct “Bookcrossing” on the basis of their "university home", exchanging books with different hostels of the State Agrarian University and the annual "Fair of Masters", where they are ready to show the results of their own creativity.

The chairman of the Student Council of the hostel № 6, (where 418 students live), the student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Nikita Voronin expressed gratitude to the management of SSAU for the overhaul of shower rooms and sanitary units, replacement of block doors, plastic windows, installation of a video surveillance system, As well as for new furniture in the rooms and a new library. The main desire of students of this hostel is the emergence of washing machines and drying for laundry.

A 3rd year student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Valery Karamyshev, who heads the Student Council of the new hostel No. 5, told how comfortable it was for students to live in cozy rooms for two people equipped with furniture, a refrigerator, a TV set, and a high-speed Internet. "At our request, there were equipped sanitary rooms with ironing boards, irons, clothes dryers and cupboards," says Valeria. "It remains to place information stands."

Chairman of the Student Council of the hostel № 2, a student of the Electric Power Department Nikolay Okashev reported that the hostel is fully equipped for comfortable living of students. By the way, this hostel in 2014 won in the competition for the title "The best hostel of the university." On behalf of the studets, Nikolay thanked Natalia Alekseevna Kravchenko, head of the Department of the Literature of the SSAU Scientific Library for wonderful literary evenings, as well as teachers of the Departments of History and Philosophy, pedagogics and psychology for round tables, contests, debates. It was noted that the informal atmosphere of the hostel stimulates a frank conversation, discussions on the acute problems of politics and society. As a wish, the students offered to organize a cosmetic repair of the kitchen facilities of the hostel.

Following the students, the words of gratitude for repairing works and their suggestions were expressed by the commandants of the hostels, after which the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Truhachev called upon the collective and the relevant services to eliminate immediately all emerging social and domestic problems in the student hostels of the university.

Дата новости для фото:  04.04.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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