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Students of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering attended field classes organized with the assistance of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Communication of the Stavropol Territory.


"Electric Stations and Substations" classes were held at two hydroelectric stations of the branch of the Federal Hydrogenerating Company-RusHydro Public Joint Stock Company - the Kuban HPP Cascade by Vasiliy Glushakov, Head of the Department of Fuel and Energy Complex and Energy Saving, for the 4th year students.

Vladimir Tsventarny, head of Sengileevskaya group of power station, showed students Egorlykskaya hydro-electric power station launched in December 2010. He said that the total input into the station is 2 billion ruble. The stated capacity of the station is 14,2 Mega Watts, the average annual output is 55 million kilowatt per hour. Egorlykskaya hydro-electric power station is equipped with the most up-to-date machinery produced by Russian and international enterprises.

The class was later continued at Federal Hydrogenerating Company – 3 based in Andropovsky region of the Stavropol region, at Barsuchkovsky wasteway outlet. The tour around the electric power plant was given by Alexandr Rakitovich, the leading engineer. Students saw power plant of derivational type. There are three electric generators of with a capacity of 87 Mega Watts. The 35 kW outdoor switchgear with single outgoing line and 110 kV outdoor switchgear under the double bus system with a bypass with installation of 6 MV and three 110 kW lines. Currently there is repair of the hydro turbine of the 3rd unit.

After completion of the field sessions, the power plant management reported that students of the Electric Power Department of the Agrarian University are waiting at their base for the production and pre-graduation practice with the possibility of further employment.

All the students were invited to apply internship and employment at the power station.  

Дата новости для фото:  09.04.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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