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Excellent students of “Total dictation - 2017”


This year the winners of the action on the site of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were four participants: Solonina Svetlana, Tkachenko Anna, Bumagina Marina and Shumara Tatiana.

Note that some of the participants are not the first time trying their hand at writing the dictation and have achieved real linguistic success. So, for example, a student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Tatiana Shumara for the second year in a row brilliantly copes with this task.

By the way, all the markers are unanimous in the opinion that this year the results of the dictation are much better compared to last year. The total number of positive ratings has increased, but the spelling and punctuation errors have become much less. But the main thing is that literacy testing becomes an annual good tradition in our city.

Congratulations to the leaders and we are proud of the most competent participants of the action "Total dictation - 2017".


139 people took part in "Total dictation" on the site of Stavropol SAU in 2017, Director of the municipal budgetary general education institution of Gymnasium № 25 in Stavropol, Honored Worker of the General Education of the Russian Federation Elena Vladimirovna Lagutina, twice winner of the contest of the best teachers of the priority national project "Education" (2006, 2015). The text for the dictation was an excerpt from the trilogy "City on the River" by Leonid Yuzefovich. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.04.2017 17:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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