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On April 19, the students of the Accounting and Financial and Economic Faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University went on a trip to the Universe the name of which is Accounting.

In an unusual competition, organized by the Department of Accounting Management Accounting, the student teams of the 2nd course of the "Economy" direction of the three profiles took part. The Cosmobuha team members (profile "Accounting, Analysis and Audit"), "Accounting Watch" (profile "Finance and Credit") and the whole "BlackBuhn Mafia" (Profiles "Economics of Enterprises and Enterprises") took a risk to go into space travel and compete among themselves. Organizations "and" World Economy"). The participants had to pass difficult tests, showing their knowledge of accounting and showing in the competition professional savvy, resourcefulness and creativity.

Evaluated the jury's competition, which included: Deputy Head of the Department for Provision of Bankruptcy Procedures of the Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Stavropol Territory; Indora Khakirovna Tkhakohova; Lead Accountant of the PAO Stavropol region Rossgostrakh; Feskov Sergey Leonidovich; Teachers of the Voronezh State University; Chernikov Igor; Tkacheva Maria Vyacheslavovna; Faculty of Scientific Work of SSAU, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Tokareva Galina Viktorovna. Invited guests of the contest - representatives of Voronezh State University graduate student Krivosheev Artem and third-year student of the specialty "Economic Security" Komlev Ilya helped determine the winner in the category "People's Choice Award".

Contestants surprised all those present not only with their knowledge in the field of accounting, but also with the vocal and dance performance of prepared creative numbers, including poetry of his own work devoted to accounting.

According to the results of 4 stages of the competition ("Welcome", "Space Crossword", "Captains Contest" One Day from the Life of a Planet of the World Accounting "," Homework of the Accountant of the Future "), the places were distributed as follows: Cosmobuhi ", II - from the team with a daring name" BlackBooch Mafia ", and the winners were" Accounting Watch. " The spectator's sympathy was won by Cosmobuham. Head of the "Accounting Watch" team Kirakosyan Victoria was recognized as the best captain of the game. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.04.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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