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Stavropol Territory will become the breadbasket of the Fatherland


Interested business and government officials discussed the future of the industry at the expert site of the IV Southern Bakery Forum.

The initiators of the forum, which took place on April 20 in SSAU, were the Russian Guild of Bakers and Confectioners, the Southern Guild of Bakers, Confectioners, the Hospitality Industry, the Stavropol State Agrarian University with the support of the Government of the Stavropol Territory.

Speaking about the state of bakery and ways of development in the North Caucasus region, Yuriy Katznelson, president of the Russian Guild of Bakers and Confectioners, stressed that Stavropol Territory has every chance of becoming the bread-winner of the country. This is indicated by a record 10.5 million tonnes of harvested wheat and 13% of all Russian baked goods produced by the SCFC. However, the industry, in which 7 thousand people work, is marking time. Over the past 6 years, the edge showed an increase in bakery products in just 1%. While the market for bakery products is growing very poorly, the "gray" sector is working quite smoothly, and the functional and therapeutic bread baking in general is not developing in any way. The way out is seen in the creation of a strategy for the development of the industry in the scale of Russia, in the adoption of regional programs that presume the activity of a competitive environment in the bakery market, and the organizers of the forum are ready to take their development. The new business structures in bakery and confectionery production, which require professional and qualified personnel, should enter the market.

The theme and the educational aspect in the format of the "green economy" in his speech was reflected by Alexander Esaulko, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dean of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture of the Stavropol State University. He stressed the role of interaction with strategic partners in the preparation of modern farmers, including bakery industry technologists, which since 2001 has been implemented at the Faculty of Technological Management. "Our graduates on the student's bench receive the entire required set of knowledge, competencies and skills, regulated by the educational program," Alexander Nikolayevich said. - It is important for them to keep abreast of world achievements and trends in science and best practices. The events organized by the Southern Guild of Bakers and Confectioners greatly help the university in strengthening international cooperation in this field. "Nevertheless, far from all employers show interest, especially initiative in joint training with agrouniversity of practical-oriented personnel. Most of them are oriented to the consumption of resources of an advanced agricultural higher educational institution, and not to their development and the entry of active specialists of agricultural enterprises into the educational space.

Alla Zolotukhina, General Director of the North Caucasus Center for Professional Public Accreditation, believes that at a time when "the entire education system is challenged, it is necessary to meet both the new and the future realities of time." In the national priority - personnel who own advanced technology. The landscape of secondary vocational education is unfolding, which is awaited by reformist changes. The chef-confectioner, becoming a profession in demand and perspective, is corrected both by international standards and by the regional labor market. But the task can be realized only in unity with the employer and the professional community, in accordance with the questions: how do we teach and whether we teach?

According to the idea of the organizers, the Southern Baking Industry Forum is not only a powerful concentration of professional meanings, it is also an array of innovations of bakers and related industries, a potpourri needed for the beloved affair of emotions. It is not the first year in the tradition of the forum - video communication with famous professionals from around the world, ready to share knowledge, experience, secrets of bread and confectionery production.

This time the audience was pleased with the speeches of colleagues from near and far abroad. So, Swedish royal baker-confectioner Günter Karl Maria Keffer, vice-president of the International Union of Bakers and Confectioners (UIBC), considers the "golden rule" "honesty before the consumer"! And I do not agree to add to my product a large number of additives, which is typical for European and American business. On the contrary, he believes that a prohibiting law is necessary for this. The world trend, supported by the cook for kings - is a healthy, organic bakery in small portions.

By the way, despite the fact that the technologies took a long way forward, several participants of the forum, including the head of the agrarian committee of the regional Duma, Ivan Bogachev, and the head of the administration of the Novoselitsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory, Vladimir Antonenko, recalled with nostalgia that same "mother" bread from the Russian oven - With unsurpassed aroma and crunch of crust, aged and without the notorious harmful additives. In the regional capital such now in the afternoon with fire you will not find! It's good that young people experiment and hone their skills. It is to a healthy, handicraft product, without the accelerators of maturation, in which the living soul and the warmth of the baker's hands are embedded, aspire to the "Cinnamon" confectionery and Anna's and Andrei Krivoshchek's family bakery "78". But for the population of large Stavropol - it's a drop in the ocean, and in stores, as a rule, bread is ripe, with taste improvers. I am glad that the traditions of useful bakery are maintained in some districts of the region. For example, in the Novotroitskaya village of Izobilnensky district, the bakery "Cossack Bread" operates under the direction of Irina Zemtseva, General Director. Participants of the forum in an informal atmosphere - over a cup of tea happened to taste their wonderful products, including wonderful Easter cakes. "Royal" rule "to be honest with the consumer" for such professionals is the norm. By the way, Novoselitskie bakeries annually demonstrate this aspiration by the whole area, arranging a terrific exhibition of their own achievements and master classes for schoolchildren.

The boundaries of the Southern Forum were extended by colleagues from the Bashkir State Agrarian University, where the faculty of food technologies practices healthy products, such as sponge cake from briny flour, chuck-chak from bran, etc. Director of the extraordinary bakery museum "Khlebny angel" from the Moscow region, operating already For 20 years, Elena Zabelina combines her bakery business with agritourism. This is betulin bread (with birch bark extract), and the excursion program "The Taste of Bread Happiness", and the "Bread of Victory" action according to the recipe of the Great Patriotic times - so that modern children know the history of the Motherland.

The forum annually includes the most advanced graduates of the Agrarian University. Dynamic development of the industry and retention of high positions was then wished by Stavropol, associate professor of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Harbin Engineering University, an expert of the Association for International Trade and Economics of Heilongjiang Province (People's Republic of China) Vasily Yerokhin. Since the bread itself is not inherent in Chinese cuisine, the graduate of the Economic Department of StGAU told about traditional bread products of North China - mantou, preparing with ferment for a couple, about cookies-shells with predictions and special gingerbreads filled with beans or lotus. He also stressed how they appreciate Russian craftsmen - bakers and confectioners in the Middle Kingdom.

The forum of bakers was held on Easter week, and Vladimir's father, the rector of the Orthodox Parish of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord of Stavropol, participating in it, mentioned a surprising fact. In Palestine, where Jesus Christ lived, wheat grows, in its qualities very similar to the Stavropol. A sign of coincidence was strengthened by the Choir of the Regent School of the Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk Eparchy, with wonderful voices in three languages ​​- Church Slavonic, Greek and Latin - singing "Many Years" to all who bake bread.

According to Raisa Gundarenko, head of the Business Women's Union of the Stavropol Territory: "There is still much to be done in our region to make our bread really better. Producers should be created conditions and opportunities. This task should be seen by all, from the leaders of the industry and ending with the leaders in the field. "

The exchange of opinions continued on the discussion platform "Production Technologies and Industrial Equipment: New Solutions", and concluded with the signing of business agreements and the adoption of a resolution addressed to the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the executive and legislative authorities of the Stavropol Territory.

As a result, the IV Southern Baking Industry Forum was a timely conversation of caring professionals who are really interested in the development of an important industry whose proposals, like the alarm and the appeal, should not just be heard, but considered literally as a guide to action. The leader's cereal ambitions of Stavropol should finally crown the appetizing, useful and affordable bread on our table, pushing through the breakthrough of an unhealthy ersatz! After all, few will refuse such a delicious daily start to a working and a holiday. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.04.2017 00:01:20
Номер новости для фото:  2

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