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More than 450 of Stavropol citizens were joined the "VuzEcoFest" - they were united by the Agrarian University!


The youth festival attracted the residents of the regional capital who are not indifferent to the problems of ecology due to the students of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The 3rd annual youth festival in the field of ecology and sustainable development "VuzEcoFest - 2017" unexpectedly united several generations of citizens in its ranks - at the age from two to 76 years. Such unity of the Stavropol people in the struggle for the future without environmental problems was ensured by the initiators and organizers of all the festival's events - students of two faculties of the Agrarian University: economic (3 course direction "Economics") and ecology and landscape architecture (1 course direction "Ecology and Nature Management").

The symbol of the festival was a green ribbon, wearing which becomes a participant in the movement aimed at the formation of ecological culture in the youth environment. This symbol helped each of the participants of " VuzEcoFest" to take a fresh look at the future of our planet, the country and their native land.

"Green" week began with enlightening master classes "In the world there are no things unnecessary" for pupils of kindergartens. Now even the little ones know that many things are already used, if you want and make an effort, you can give a second life. At the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, future ecologists and economists gathered around the round table to discuss the most pressing problems. According to the children, such a joint discussion of environmental and economic issues will in the future provide reasonable answers to the global threats to our planet. For the first time within the framework of the festival, the "Ecologic" business game tournament was held at the Agrarian University, the purpose of which is to teach the young generation to reasonably combine business interests and environmental literacy. The winners of the tournament were the team of ecologists. Eco-quests for schoolchildren and first-year students of faculty-organizers completed the "Green" week in an agricultural university.

Throughout the Week, an exhibition of eco-posters and eco-crafts of students of the Economics and Financial Accounting Faculties was exhibited. All this time, the University hosted an action to collect waste paper, which was attended by students from four faculties: Economics, Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Agrobiology and Land Resources, Electric Power, and also joined city dwellers. As a result, the participants collected 1.5 tons of waste paper! The proceeds are directed to purchase fodder for the shelter of neglected animals "Best Friend". At the closing of the festival, all participants and organizers were awarded with diplomas, letters of thanks and eco-prizes.

For the participants, the festival "VuzEcoFest" was the first step towards the formation of an environmentally friendly way of life, and for the organizers - an invaluable experience in the design work that will play an important role in their future professional activities. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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