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The roads of war, the roads of Victory


This incredibly difficult, bloodthirsty and still victorious way, together with our whole country, the participants of the gala concert prepared by the agrarian students mentally passed through their minds.

Creative teams of the Electric Power Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University spent two months with special inspiration and enthusiasm preparing a program dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

At the solemn evening held on May 3, in addition to teachers and young people of SSAU, there were children of the war - veterans of the agrarian higher educational institution, who sat in the first spectators' ranks. They fully knew the hardships of wartime when they grew up and could not eat enough bread when early lost fathers and mothers who died at the front or under enemy bombing. In honour of the upcoming Great Victory Day, students were pleased with the guests, among whom were former employees of the Agrarian University Lyudmila Pavlovna Teriokhina and Valentina Ivanovna Gruzdova, songs, verses and dance compositions of the war years.

Against the backdrop of archival photographic tapes on the stage of the assembly hall of the SSAU, today's boys and girls, like their peers from Brest, danced another peaceful graduation waltz. And then they heard the statement of the Soviet government about the treacherous attack of Hitler ... So suddenly their dreams were burned by the fire of the war, which lasted a long 1418 days and nights. Out of every 100 students who went to the front, 97 did not return to their homes.

This evening remembered the exploits. 28 Panfilov heroes fought against 30-odd tanks in the battle for Moscow. The heroic Leningraders who managed to prove to the whole world that in the name of the liberation of the Motherland the patriots will fight to the death and work all the 900 days of the blockade, having only 125 grams of bread per day - from chaff, bran and cellulose. Remembered the brave defenders of the Brest Fortress, who first felt the fury of the enemy; Participants of the Battle of Stalingrad, where the Wehrmacht lost a quarter of the forces of the Eastern Front; Which has no equal in the fierce Kursk arch, the Nazi "Citadel" that was buried, and, of course, the Berlin offensive operation is the largest battle in history.

The students talked about the great Price of Victory, when every eighth person died, more than 27 million stepped into immortality for the sake of the peaceful future of not only their fellow citizens, but also the inhabitants of Europe. The liberators were not afraid of death in battle, especially the years of restoration of destroyed cities and burnt villages. The main thing is that the long-awaited peace has come!

As a token of great gratitude to the heroic soldiers and workers of the rear, the inviolable connection of generations, the metronome rapped out piercingly, having discouraged the sacred minute of silence. And to the University Memorial of Memory, where the names of those who died during the Great Patriotic War, teachers and students of an agrarian university, today's young shift laid flowers.

The heads of the Electric Power Faculty represented by the dean, Maxim Alekseevich Mastepanenko, expressed gratitude to all the organizers and participants of the concert program - freshmen Anton Khokhlov, Elizaveta Kamardina, Vladimir Tolstykh, Nikita Shvedov, Zakir Musayev, Mikhail Karapetyan and Eldar Rezanov; Valeria Jogan, Viktoria Medvedeva and Victoria Sknarenko, Danila Demenev, Maxim Medvedeva, Azamat Edakaev and Raif Eyupov (2 year); Alexander Polezhaev, Khalid Kazbiev, Maxim Berdiev and Maxim Trufanov, Ekaterina Konstantinova (3 year), Alexander Gladkikh (4 year), and also to the teacher Zdorenko Vera Anatolievna. After the concert spectators-students shared their impressions: "Now there is the 72nd peaceful spring. Let the cursed war be buried forever. Let it remain only a bitter memory and a terrible moral lesson of history for all living and subsequent generations. Long live our Great Victory! " 

Дата новости для фото:  04.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  5

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