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Victory Day on May 9 - a holiday of peace in the country and spring


The musical and literary event "To Remember ..." was attended by the staff and students of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture.

Dean of the Faculty, Professor Alexander N. Esaulko, who opened the meeting, congratulated all those present on the May 9 holiday and wished a peaceful sky overhead so that the young generation never forgot the price at which the Great Victory for their grandfathers and great-grandfathers went to never know the horrors of war.

Marina Vasilievna Obnavlenskaya, Director of the Scientific Library of SSAU, made a presentation "Women of War". Memories of military childhood, the beginning of the war and unforgettable feelings associated with the Victory Day that came on May 9, 1945, was shared by the professor of the Department of General Agriculture, Plant Cultivation and Selection Georgiy Romanovich Dorozhko.

The conversation between students and teachers of the two faculties ended with a festive concert "Songs of the War Years". Touching and heartfelt works related to the bloody war and huge human losses, the unfulfilled dreams of the pre-war graduates and the great faith of the people in the liberation of the Fatherland in the performance of the collective of the Cossack song "Lel", ensemble "Joyce", Tatyana Khutorny, Kovalenko Nadezhda, Myagkov Nikita and other students. Sometimes even caused tears in the eyes of listeners. In a close circle, where teachers and students sat side by side, people who saw war and very young, the atmosphere of kindness, love and gratitude reigned for the soldiers who defended our Motherland and brought the Great Victory to their lives.

Дата новости для фото:  07.05.2017 05:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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