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Great Victory Day is dear to each of us


Our heroic veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the workers of the rear, the children of war are the legendary generation of winners! Dear compatriots, colleagues, students!

I heartily congratulate you on the most revered, beloved and sacred for every Russian family high day - Victory Day!

The Victory flag was hoisted 72 years ago over the Reichstag as a symbol of heroism and unparalleled courage of the people, who defended the peace, freedom and independence of the Fatherland at the cost of incredible efforts and huge losses.

Having shown unbending steadfastness, courage and heroism in the most brutal and bloody confrontation of the twentieth century, selflessness in the rear, overcoming the severe trials of the war years, you, dear veterans, showed the whole world how indestructible the power of the people united by the holy goal of the liberation of the Fatherland and won!

With pain in our hearts, we remember those who did not live to the day of the coveted Victory, who died as the brave at the front, died of wounds, torture, hunger and overwork. Immortal feat of your comrades-in-arms, who at the cost of their lives defending the independence of their native land, is forever inscribed in history with gold letters and will always live in the grateful hearts of compatriots.

Dear veterans! You are an example of true patriotism for us, living legends with which we were lucky to live at the same time. All the deaths to spite you survived, from ruins and ashes raised the ruined country, built a peaceful life for the present and future generations. The conquered Great Victory inspires us to new achievements, strengthens the spirit, helps overcome difficulties and go forward! It obliges us to work honestly, to protect the world, from generation to generation to transmit the sacred Memory of the war and its heroes.

From the bottom of my heart I wish veterans of a long life with faith in the future of great Russia, spiritual harmony and vigor of spirit, warmth of relatives and friends. We will always remember your services to the Fatherland, and we will never be left with pride for you! Eternal glory to your immortal feat in the name of life and peace on Earth! We pay deepest gratitude.

Congratulations on the holiday that unites all generations of Russians, with a national Day of the Great Victory!

Sincerely yours,

Rector of the Stavropol State University

Agricultural University,

Academician of RAS, Professor,

Deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory,

The hero of the work of Stavropol,

Honorable Sir of Stavropol Territory

V. I. Truhachev 

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