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"Trajectory of Growth": the second day


Master classes and VIP lecture, military-patriotic quest is a powerful educational charge for agrarian students.

Participants are the same, but a new day and new smiles! And how can you not smile if on the energetic charging of the second day of the "Growth Trajectory", "world-class stars" were invited by the art directorate: Cristiano Ronaldo, Michael Jackson, and Kolyan from Real Bats and other characters visited! And then, after an excellent warm-up, a powerful educational stream followed in five directions: "Multimedia carousel"; Lectures "Rights and duties of students", "Basics of social design", "Involvement of an asset and motivation", "Designer of volunteer activities", "Fundraising. Conclusion of the event to another level "," Team building ".

All these master classes further immersed the children in the multi-vector work, because after the School of the asset, each team will have to present and protect its road map. A VIP lecture "Summer Forum Campaign" by Diana Bespalova, the specialist of the youth work department at the Center for Youth Projects, has become an introductory stage before a series of summer events for students. Now the participants know the structure of any forum not only of the regional level, but also of the all-Russian level, and they will also be able to correctly draw up an appropriate application, which is also very important.

Evening activities again did not leave anyone indifferent. An indelible impression was made by the military-patriotic quest "Back to the Past." A few tragic stories and destinies - this is what again makes the heart beat more often with pride for their homeland and our people. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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