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School of Social Design


The one and a half month educational course of lectures and master classes has been completed, aimed at teaching students of SSAU to write social projects for obtaining grant support for federal programs.

The organizers of the project were Volunteer Detachment "Volunteer" and the primary trade union organization of students and graduate students of SSAU.

Specialists of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory, specialists of the Center for Youth Projects and coordinators of the "Movement of Volunteers of Stavropol" were involved as lecturers of the project.

In addition to the theoretical, the practical part was included in the project "School of Social Design". During the training sessions, the formed 10 groups had to develop separate social projects and receive appropriate recommendations to complete homework assignments.

During the training for the participants, a VIP meeting was held with the director of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Rosmolodezh, A. V. Bugaev, at which participants learned about the forthcoming summer forum campaign.

As a result of the educational course, 9 projects were publicly defended. The winner of the competition for public protection was Team 7, which included students from SSAU Golubenko Anastasia, Arzimanova Cristina and Olga Shurygina. 35 participants of the project are awarded certificates of participation and are ready to present their own projects within the framework of the summer grant forums of 2017. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.05.2017 20:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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