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Russian Agropromes Need Professionals


The open day of the company "Syngenta" confirmed the personnel agenda of the agribusiness sector.

Students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the Stavropol State Agrarian University visited the event, which took place on May 16 at the Research Center "Syngenta" at KubGUA. They were trained in the direction "Agronomy", under the guidance of the senior lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, candidate of agricultural sciences L.V. Tuturzhans.

More than 300 students and schoolchildren of Krasnodar, Stavropol and Rostov regions took part in the Open Door Day. The purpose of the event is to introduce young people to modern high-tech agricultural production and popularize the profession of an agronomist.

The vice-rector for scientific work of the Kuban State University, doctor of biological sciences, professor Andrey Georgievich Koshchaev and the dean of the faculty of agrochemistry and plant protection, candidate of agricultural sciences, senior lecturer Ivan Anatolievich Lebedovsky, addressed the future and current students-agrarians with a welcoming speech.

About the company "Syngenta" and the tendencies of agribusiness development in the world and Russia was told by the director for agribusiness projects, candidate of agricultural sciences Sergey Vladimirovich Groshev. The speaker noted that the profession of the agronomist on plant protection is multifaceted, interesting, and, most importantly, in demand on the labor market. The preparation of highly skilled specialists in the field of plant protection in the South of Russia has been traditionally conducted for more than half a century by the agrarian universities of the Kuban and Stavropol regions. Many employees of the company are also graduates of these universities.

Long-term fruitful cooperation of the largest agricultural corporation "Syngenta" - one of the leaders in the field of production of plant protection products, and agricultural universities helps students acquire the necessary skills that will be useful for them in their professional careers. The participants of the event got acquainted with the research work of the company on the fields of the training and experimental farm of the Kuban State Agrarian University, modern agricultural machinery and equipment for an experienced business.

The agricultural sector in Russia now more than ever needs new professional staff. The open day of the company "Syngenta" became a contribution to the solution of this problem and provided a possible answer to the question of choosing the future profession by representatives of the younger generation. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.05.2017 08:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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