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Spring Academy of Animal Husbandry - 2017: from theory to practice


Within the framework of cooperation with the strategic partner of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - EkoNiva-APK Holding (Voronezh) - another competitive selection of students was organized for participation in the educational project "Academy of Animal Breeding", in which Alyona Gayvoronskaya, the 4th year student, won.

Due to the funds of the strategic partner of the faculty for the future veterinary specialist, a trip to Voronezh was organized, impressions about each day that the participant of the project A. Gayvoronska shared:

- After the arrival to the territory of the agricultural holding all the winners of the project, including myself, a busy program was waiting for. We began with a tour of the production premises of EkoNiva-APK Holding. The next day we listened to the lecture "Modern methods of breeding, the use of sexed seeds in EkoNiva - APK Holding."

Practitioners of the Academy of Animal Husbandry were able to get acquainted with the programs of Selex and DairyComp, through which the company's employees manage a large number of cattle. Simultaneously, the children learned about the arrangement and operation of the milking machine "Carousel", as well as the principles of proper milking. In the course of the workshop "Milk from a cow in the language", future specialists were taught how to correctly make rations, take into account the feeding times, rules and principles of forage harvesting.

- On the third day all students - students of the Academy were told about such a widespread disease of farm animals as mastitis, the methods of its detection and treatment, - continued the student of the Stavropol Agrouniversity. - But most importantly, we immediately could apply our knowledge in practice. Day 4 surprised us with a master class on prevention and treatment of lameness, where we were visually shown the processing of hooves by a cow. An additional practical day was the fifth day in EkoNiva. Under the strict supervision of high-class specialists, all students managed to work out previously covered topics in various practical groups: newborn animals, a group of mastitis, artificial insemination, a group of calves, a feeding and selection group.

Let's add to the story that at the end of the whole cycle of practical training, the students of the Academy of Animal Husbandry expressed great gratitude to the company EkoNiva-APK Holding Ltd. - for sensitivity, care, help, attention and the organization of an extraordinary agro education project, thanks to which agrarian students could improve their practical And theoretical knowledge and skills. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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