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35 years after graduation


Last Saturday, at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources reunion of the Agronomic Faculty alumni of 1982 was held.

The agronomists graduated in 1982 bright! Many well-known and successful graduates of the faculty arrived at the long-awaited meeting on May 20. Among them - Alexander A. Nagaev, representative of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory in the municipality of the Stavropol Territory, which oversees the territories of the Aleksandrovsky, Blagodanski, Budennovsky, Grachevsky, Novoselitsky and Petrovsky districts; Head of the administration of the Petrovsky district Alexander Zakharchenko; Executive director of the SSPK "Gardens of Stavropolia" Sergei Vadimovich Tyulpanov and others.

The meeting began with the traditional roll call, which was held by the former head of the course, the chairman of the Komsomol organization of the Stavropol Agricultural Institute, A. A. Nagaev, and the dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Professor Alexander N. Esaulko told colleagues about the faculty changes in recent years.

What did the alma mater alumni themselves recall after 35 years? Of course, in their thoughts, they returned to happy college years - the years of bright youth, love, the first steps in the profession. With great warmth and gratitude, they remembered their teachers - those who gave them a ticket to life, instilled love for their native land and agricultural business. A pleasant surprise for the graduates of 1982 was the song "Young Agronomist" by the ensemble of the Cossack song "Lel", today's students of the faculty - Regina Heliyeva, Nadezhda Kovalenko and Alina Lisitsina, also gave joy to the guests with their talents.

After the formal part, the graduates passed through the native corridors of the Agrarian University, where they were surprised by the changes that had taken place in the alma mater and the future university plans. At the end of the jubilee meeting, representatives of the older generation of graduates wished prosperity to the Stavropol State University and brilliant prospects for its students.  

Дата новости для фото:  22.05.2017 06:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  3

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