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The master-class from alma mater alumni


Teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy had on-site training on the basis of ZAO " Sovkhoz n.a. Kirov" in Trunovsky District - a strategic partner of the Economics Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University

ZAO "Sovkhoz n.a. Kirov" has a leading position in the Trunovsky District both in production and financial indicators, and during last seven years it is a leader in the Stavropol Territory. The progressive management of the enterprise strives to use the latest achievements of science and technology to improve the results and increase the efficiency of the activities of the agricultural enterprise. It is important to note that many responsible positions are held here by graduates of the Stavropol Agrarian University, which indicates a high level of training qualified personnel for agriculture. In turn, university teaching staff have much to learn from agrarian practitioners.

So, on May 18, teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy under the supervision of the head, Professor Natalia Vladimirovna Bannikova, took part in the production training on the topic "Actual issues of organizing the activity of the economic service of an agricultural enterprise".

The specialists of the company headed by Deputy Director Olga Vladimirovna Dolgopolova acquainted the teachers with the practice of successful application of modern software products that allow to fully automate budgeting, technical and economic planning of production processes, control of the fulfillment of planned tasks by the business units, elimination of losses and unproductive expenses in details.

Production internship will allow to carry out joint activities with the employer to improve the educational and methodological support of the educational process aimed at developing the professional competencies of future specialists.

ZAO " Sovkhoz n.a. Kirov " is one of the agricultural enterprises of the Stavropol Territory, whose doors are always opened for the students of the Economics Faculty of the State Agrarian University as a base for practice, conducting field seminars and practical classes, as well as potential employment of the graduates of the Agrarian University.

Дата новости для фото:  22.05.2017 07:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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