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Five athletes from the Agrarian will go to the European Cup


On May 20-21, the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the North Caucasus hosted the CIS Open Powerlifting Championships, where the athletes of N.V. Mukhortova distinguished themselves.

The winners of the categories became the students of SSAU - Osychenko Anastasiya (Accounting and Finance Department), Skrynnikov Vyacheslav (Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization), Samarin Ivan and Kolesnikov Kirill (Electric Power Department). A graduate student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Nikolay Korshunov finished with the amount of points exceeding the standard of the Master of Sports of Russia!

As a result of the competition, the guys got their own ticket to the European Cup final, which will be held on June 8-12 in Sochi. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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