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Results of students’ researches – fill out accurate


Within the framework of Innovation Week - 2017 in Stavropol Region, the master class for students on design and presentation of scientific research results was conducted on the basis of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture.

The event, was hold on May 23, involved more than 70 students in various areas of training, as well as graduate students and young scientists from Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Opening the masterclass, Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko noted that all scientific achievements begin with a student's bench and the very important element in the formation of a young scientist is the ability to correctly present the results obtained in the course of research.

Head of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Department of StGAU Gennady Gennadievich Shmatko informed the participants of the event about new requirements for admission to postgraduate study and the need to have scientific publications to complete the student life.

Then the conversation was continued by representatives of the Scientific Library of the Agrarian University. So Irina Victorovna Tkachenko, the head of the information and bibliographic center, told the students about the requirements for the design of the list of references and bibliographic references, noting the special importance of this stage of R & D. Olga Victorovna Furmanova, the head of the international information resources sector, provided information on existing Russian and international citation bases, demonstrating a master class on finding the necessary data in these resources.

Having received information of a theoretical nature, participants of the event heard out the reports of graduate students of the faculties of the agrarian university - Ozheredorova Alena, Galda Dmitriy, Chebotayev Valeriy, Danilets Ekaterina, Tenishev Maxim. Young scientists shared the results of their dissertations with the audience, talked about their scientific path and gave the master class on presentation design, as well as building a scientific report.

Summing up the event, the organizers wished all participants creative and scientific successes, perseverance in achieving their goals, confidence in the need for scientific developments for the North Caucasus region 

Дата новости для фото:  26.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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