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Austria - Stavropol region: building mutually beneficial cooperation relationships


ZAR delegation, representing the interests of the Central Working Association of Austrian cattlemen, and the Stavropol Agrouniversity signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the Scientific and Educational Sphere.

On May 24, the leadership of the Agrarian University and representatives of the scientific community represented by scientists of two faculties - technology management and veterinary medicine, the All-Union Russia Scientific Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Industry, as well as livestock producers of the region met for a roundtable discussion with representatives of Austrian pastoralists.

Thanks to the efforts of the Ministry of Economic Development and the head of the region Vladimir Vladimirov, in the format of the Innovation Week, ZAR’s head Martin Stegfellner, ZAR’s advisor Egidius Kogler and an employee of the Trade Department of the Austrian Embassy in Moscow Maya Semivolosova visited Stavropol GAU.

Being the leading representative of cattle breeding in Austria, ZAR-manager M. Stegfellner stated the main goal of the Association: "We are implementing the achievements of science in practice". It is about the effective feeding of cattle, the impact on climate change, the development of animal health, aimed at reducing the number of antibiotics used. "It is very important for us to maintain continuity in cattle breeding, the traditions of every family where there is a courtyard. If this is preserved, the workforce will not go to the cities, and people will remain directly in the village, "the head of ZAR explained. For Austria, this kind of policy is equivalent to the task of preserving the village.

"Despite the small population of cattle, we are strong in its exports," said ZAG adviser Egidius Kogler. "In 2016, it was 23 thousand calves." In the struggle for new customers, ZAR is ready not only to supply livestock, but also to accompany the process of transferring knowledge on the basics of cattle breeding. These intentions were announced earlier at the plenary session of the regional government and the Austrian delegation presented a relevant training program for achieving joint results.

In favor of the "green" economy and adherence to the recommendations of ICAR, which our university adheres to in its research work, the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the RAS Truhachev V. I. declared. He is committed to long-term cooperation in the format of European standards: "We love cows, milk and cattle breeder. For us, these are all native and very understandable words, without which it is impossible to move forward in a healthy diet". The academician is impressed by the stable results of the Austrian cattlemen, who can play a good service, "if you act together, go in one direction."

"Our All-Russia Research Institute of sheep breeding and goat breeding livestock profile. Although the largest segment of scientific research is sheep breeding, we are engaged in both meat and dairy cattle, "explained the Director of the Institute, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Selionova M.I., referring to the domination of Holstein breeds with their shortcomings in the region and Russia as a whole, And interest in the rocks, which are perfectly adapted in the mountainous and foothill areas of Austria, whose climate is similar to the Stavropol. Testing of animals for genetic abnormalities - this scientific niche VNIIOK in the conduct of joint research with the Agrarian University was designated in her speech by Marina Ivanovna, who stressed the need to return animals to pastures to preserve human habitat.

Further vice-rector of scientific work of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian Morozov University V. Yu. presented to the guests with "Development of a regional model for the formation and management of highly productive genetic resources of livestock production (by the example of the Stavropol Territory)". He noted that this work of seven leading state farms in the field of dairy production has been going on for about three years under the guidance of Academician RAS, the leading scientist in the field of zootechny, Trukhachev V.I. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is very interested in it. The structure of dairy productivity by the ICAR system has already been fully created. Vitaly Yurievich also reported on other achieved results of the project, including monitoring of genetic abnormalities, and no less significant prospects in improving the appearance of cattle for the formation of the genetic core.

"It's great that we go the same way!" - ZAR head Martin Stegfellner discovered for himself, having found many points of contact in the approaches of pastoralists of Eastern Europe and Stavropol scientists-agrarians. In the course of further communication with the audience, many questions were thrown at the Austrians, including from the production workers and Nikolai Ivanovich Marchenko, head of the Stavropol Union of Producers and Processors of Livestock Products, which for two years included 27 large agricultural producers of the region.

Comments regarding financing of ZAR, two-level communication with farmers, the state support of milk producers and quality control, cost per liter, milking systems and feeds used, as well as the situation on infectious diseases were given by the representatives of the Central Working Association of Austrian cattle breeders wishing to "restore and renew cooperation". Recall that even 8-10 years ago, the supply of livestock from Austria to all regions of Russia were very significant. And it is gratifying that, without waiting for any changes in geopolitics, the European agricultural business itself is making new arrangements.

The dialogue turned out to be interested and productive, mutual interest was felt from both sides. Hence, the chances of its effectiveness in the future are great. And if Europe needs a market for the sale of promising calves and the implementation of educational services for cattle farmers, their unions and associations, then Stavropol needs a breakthrough in dairy and meat cattle breeding. At the same time, there is a desire of the Austrians to involve in this process a science represented by StGAU and VNIIOK together with the University of Vienna. And there is a hope that this unification of the intellectual forces of the scholarly elite of our region and the transfer of knowledge from Austrian experts directed exclusively to the practical plane, under the leadership of the current Academician of the RAS V. I. Truhachev, will be effective. After all, in the agricultural university for the livestock sector, highly skilled personnel are trained and carry out research taking into account world standards. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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