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A topical lecture from OOO "Syngenta" for the students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources


The topic "Innovations in crop production: from research to market entry (based on the experience of the world's leading corporations)" was highlighted by the marketing director of the company "Syngenta" in Russia, Yuri Vasilkov.

An important factor that stimulates the development of the market for plant protection products is the introduction of modern technologies in agriculture. The main prospects are related to further intensification of land. On what trends are observed in the current season, what agrarians prefer and what should be expected in the short term, the problem marketing lecture was told by the marketing director of the company "Syngenta" in Russia, Yuri Vasilkov.

Being the leading agricultural company in the country, Syngenta helps millions of farmers to increase the efficiency of the use of available resources and thereby contributes to the increase of global food security.

The course of topical lectures in the field of plant protection from the management of the company "Syngenta" is an important milestone in the framework of a joint program with the Stavropol State Agrarian University to train young specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the South of Russia.

Speaker Yury Vasilkov told the young audience of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources about the challenges facing agriculture, the long period in the development of new molecules of pesticides, the development of agricultural technologies, the opportunities for public-private partnership for further innovations in the future working environment of today's students.

The lecture was also attended by the Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Professor Esaulko A.N., Head of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, Associate Professor Shutko A.P., Associate Professors Stukalo V.A. and Tuturgans L.V. There was a talk about the future prospects of employment of future specialists and the scholarship program "Students" Syngenta ". It is worth noting that the parties showed a common interest - both with respect to young prospective staff, and in the development of domestic crop production and plant protection in general. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.05.2017 04:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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