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Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance have passed pre-graduation practical training


The Chair of Finance, credit and insurance operations organized defense of pre-graduation practical training reports for the forth-year students.

The event took place on May 23rd and was attended by the experts from financial and credit organisations that hosted SSAU students for an internship. Among them was Olga Soboleva, the head of corporate insurance at Stavropol brach of Rosgosstrakh and Anastasia Vysokopoyasnaya, retail manager of the Stavropol branch of SOGAS.

Irina Glotova, the head of the Chair, PhD in Economics, mentioned in her open address that internship allows student to meet some aspects of their future jobs beforehand. They get a chance to see an organisation’s structure, arrangement of accounting and taxation, legal framework.

According to the schedule of students had to pass pre-graduation practical training in the period between April 24th and May 21st. Among the enterprises was PAO SK Rosgosstrakh, Stavropol branch of SOGAS, SAO VSK, OOO SouzInvest, PAO Sberbank, Stavropolpromstrybank, Sovkombank, Financial corporation Otkrytie, Home Credit and Finence Bank and government agencies such as Ministry of Finance of Stavropol region and various business entities.

The commission has noted the high knowledge of the students, obtained by them when passing the pre-diploma training. The internship will help the graduates complete their bachelor's work, as they were engaged in collecting analytical information required for their theses.  

Дата новости для фото:  28.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  4

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