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A.A. Ezhevsky National award


Russianassociationof special equipment manufacturersRosspetsmashthatunitesover 156 enterprises, establishedthe A.A. Ezhevsky National award

The contest takes place on April 25th – November 3rd and is supported by Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The award will be given to 2-4 year intramural students with high academic and scientific records, strong position on life from the programs related to mechanical engineering in agriculture.

Each year 30 students will receive a scholarship to the value of 20 thousand rubles on November 30th, Ezhevsky’s birthday.

Period of submitting documents is September 1st – October 1st 2017. Electronic applications filled as stated in the Guidelines are to be sent at: konkurs@rosspetsmash.ru


Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Ezhevsky (03.11.1915–15.01.2017) – was a Soviet statesman, minister of tractor and agricultural machinery (tractor and agricultural engineering) of the USSR (1980-1988). Since 2004, he had been Chief Researcher of All-Russian Research Institute of Technology, repair and maintenance of machines and tractors (GOSNITI).

He was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" 2nd class (2015).

Дата новости для фото:  29.05.2017 15:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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