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Our Victory in Saratov!


Starting researchers from the Faculty of Economics of Stavropol SAU are the leaders and winners of the 3rd stage of Russian contest for the best research project among students, graduate students and young researchers from the Universities under the Ministry of Agriculture.

Russian contest in the following categories “Economics”, “Management” for students, “Economics” for graduate students and young scientists on May 24-25 at Saratov SAU named after N.I. Vavilov. Among the participants of the 3rd stage were 36 students, 9
PhD students and young scientists from 26 agrarian universities..

Vice-rector of Saratov SAU for scientific and innovative work, Doctor in economics, Igor Vorotnikov and Dean of the Faculty of economics and management, Doctor of sociological sciences Elena Borisovna Dudnikova addressed the participants with welcoming words. The chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the University, Vasily Voldemarovich Neufeld, reported on the organization of the competition, applications submitted, and the rules of the competition.

The first place in “Economics” went to the project “Prospects and main trends of vegetable market development” presented by the SSAU second-year graduate student Olga Onezhkina (research supervisor – professor Natalya Bannikova, head of the Chair of Entrepreneurship and International Economics).

The 3rd place in “Management” went to the project “Gender factors in agricultural enterprise management” by the second-year student Yulia Galayan (research supervisor – Dmitrii Zaporozhets, docent of the Chair of Management, PhD in Economics).

The project "Development of innovation-oriented crop production in the regional agribusiness (the case of Stavropol Territory)" by the 4th year student Julia Golovina (research supervisor - Julia V. Rybasova, associate professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the AIC, PhD in Economics) got a special diploma for "Best presentation" in the nomination "Economics".

Among the member of the contest committee for the nomination "Economics" was Elena Kosinova, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agroindustrial Complex, PhD in Economics, in and graduate students in the nomination "Economic Sciences". Natalia Chernobay, Candidate of Economic Sciences, was a member of the contest committee in the nomination "Management".

Дата новости для фото:  29.05.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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