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Why do I like our university library?


The traditional Russian Day of Libraries was held in the reading hall of the University Scientific Library On May 29.

- We addressed all our readers with a question “Why do you like our university library?”, - says the library's director Marina Vasilievna Obnovlenskaya. - We asked students to choose the best librarian "

More than 130 students have left their feedback. Students wrote that they like technical equipment, cleanliness, beauty and comfort, large choice of printed and electronic resources and that librarians are always ready to help them.

The intervewers chose three winners. The prizes for the best answer were given to the students of the Faculty of accounting and. All of them are first-year students - Valeria Ischenko, Yana Ilyanova and Anastasia Pozharskaya.

"Here is a magical atmosphere of coziness and calmness - I want to learn, develop more", - wrote Iana Ilyanova. Valeria Ishchenko noted that " you can immerse yourself in the world of new knowledge in the library and you can make a journey from the present to the past in the Rare Book Department...". Anastasia Pozharskaya expressed her confidence that "the atmosphere of the university library inspires her to study for excellent marks".

Raisa Vasilievna Slauta was chosen as the best librarian in the reading hall, because she is "nice, sympathetic, always helps us", "she is friendly and welcoming", " once she let me into the library before 8 o'clock, printed my project and I received an excellent mark.

The staff of the Scientific Library of the Stavropol State Agrarian University is grateful to all readers who wrote their kind words and inspirational wishes! 

Дата новости для фото:  01.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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