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The agrarian science is the growth trajectory


The Academic Council of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on June 2, 2017, took a course on the effectiveness of scientific and innovative activities.

A pleasant mission at the beginning of the event was performed by the honorable guest of the Academic Council of SSAU, the chief federal inspector for the Stavropol Territory of the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District, Sergei Ushakov. He presented two promising scientists of the agrarian high school with the certificates of the winners of the contest "On Measures to Strengthen State Support for Young Russian Scientists - Candidates and Doctors of Science". Among the awarded grants of the President of the Russian Federation - senior lecturer of the department of technology of production and processing of agricultural products, candidate of technical sciences Ruslan Omarov and head of the department of tourism and service, doctor of economic sciences, associate professor Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev. State support from the head of state to promising agricultural researchers who have taken up the solution of urgent problems in the sphere of domestic agro-industrial complex will amount to 1 million 200 thousand rubles for two years of scientific research. According to Ushakov, "the good tradition of awarding grants to the President of Russia within the walls of the Stavropol State Agrarian University gives us hope for a successful future of agrarian science."

The Head of the Agrarian University, twice the doctor and twice Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, also handed out the honorable mission, handing diplomas to the newly made candidates of sciences. On behalf of the collective and on his own behalf, he warmly congratulated the candidate of economic sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy, Daria Gracheva, and Candidate of Biological Sciences - Olga Sevostyanova, assistant professor of therapy and pharmacology. To the student of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of SSAU Maxim Korolyovy was solemnly awarded the medal for the I place in the final of the Vth National Championship "Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia)".

Further, the Academic Council heard the main report - the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovation Work of SSAU Vitaly Morozov "On the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff, the main results of the activities of scientific schools and directions and the publication activity in the University for 2012-2017." The initiator of this topic as the main on the agenda was the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Trukhachev, whose principle is known: "It is necessary to go forward today to keep up tomorrow! »

V. Yu. Morozov noted that according to the results of the report "five-year plan" 40 scientific schools and directions work in the university, 115 candidates of science were trained by scientific teams for 2012-2017.

At a high level is the publication activity of the faculties. So, according to the Hirsch index (110 units), the SSAU is on the 2 nd place in the rating of the universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; On the i-index the university occupies the 1 st place, on the h-index - 2 nd. Over the past five years, the percentage of postgraduate work efficiency has grown to 53.8%, which is much higher than the all-Russian indicators, which are about 20%. The magazine Herald of the agrarian and industrial complex of Stavropol is also quite high among agrarian periodicals. He is on the list of State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, in 2016 entered the Russian index of scientific citation Russian Science Citation Index on the platform of Web of Science.

In the current year, thanks to the close attention and support of the rector of the SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Truhachev, 26 applications were submitted to the Russian Science Foundation, through which, in 2014, research funding is provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

However, there are also difficulties in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, and areas for improvement, in which it is necessary to make a breakthrough for the competitiveness of the university," said Vice-Rector V. Yu. Morozov. How to improve the effectiveness of the university scientific community, including the results of participation in competitions and grant programs, how to increase the publication effectiveness of scientific and pedagogical staff, discussed further.

Recognizing the need for key steps towards the future, proceeding from the current state of affairs, the leaders of high school scientific schools and schools, who analyzed the experience of their activities, spoke. His vision of the situation and proposals was expressed by the doctor of agricultural sciences - A. P. Shutko, O. V. Sychev; Doctor of Economic Sciences – N.V. Bannikov, E.I. Kostyukova; Doctor of Technical Sciences – A.T. Lebedev, G.V. Nikitenko; Doctor of veterinary sciences V.A. Orobets. It was about the permanent rotation of scientific and pedagogical staff, the expediency of uniting certain areas in one scientific school and creating new ones, conducting fundamental research and updating all scientific schools, taking into account modern challenges and trends in the development of world science, the degree of readiness of graduate students and doctoral candidates for defense. The burning question is "How to retain young scientific cadres?" Was also raised, as in the realities of today's business structures they are offered significantly larger dividends.

After the end of the heated discussion, the result was summed up by the Rector of the Stavropol Agrarian University. "Those who have chosen science can not get off the scientific path. Doctors of Sciences, professors have always been, are and will be the foundation of the university! "- this is the opinion of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. I. Truhachev. He, in his turn, considers the creation of conditions for the self-realization of the researcher, be it a student, just beginning to take steps in science, a graduate student or a doctoral candidate: "Everyone should be given the opportunity to grow up. To increase the pace, open new horizons and prospects in different spheres of agrarian science. «Talented young people, striving to declare themselves to the whole scientific world, the rector expressed special support. One of such steps was the introduction into operation of the new comfortable library at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the presentation of which was shown by the director Marina Obnavlenskaya. On an area of ​​more than 340 square meters, 16 computers with full access to educational and scientific databases of the Scientific Library of the Stavropol State University are comprehended.

In the Decision of June 2, 2017, adopted by the Academic Council, along with other decisions, the magazine "Bulletin of the Agroindustrial Complex of Stavropol" should be integrated with the platform Emerging Source Citation Index. This step is necessary for the further inclusion of the journal in the international citation bases of the Web of Science.

How far it will be possible for the Agrarian University to carry out all its plans and enter a new round of research activities, time will tell. Summing up the results of the major direction of the university's work is scheduled for January 2018, when agrarian scientists will meet again and discuss the results achieved in strengthening the scientific potential of the team, actualizing research, introducing them into production, and improving scientometric indicators. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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