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12 june is Russia Day


And we do not have a homeland, except for Russia,
Here is my mother, here is a temple, and here is a fatherly house.
P. Sinyavsky

Dear friends!
I whole heartedly congratulate you on the Russia Day!

On June 12, 1994, the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia was adopted. Since that time, this festive date is celebrated by everyone who cares and is close to our land, who considers Russia their home.

In which corner we would not have been born: whether it is a city or a village, it's all our Fatherland. Therefore, the Day of Russia is a holiday for everyone, and together we are a single people, full of national dignity, making efforts to make the state strong, powerful and prosperous!

We all have something to be proud of! Our great Russia has a centuries-old history and traditions, the richest unique spiritual and inexhaustible cultural heritage. In the wide expanses of the Motherland millions of our fellow citizens live, for the benefit of which the state should develop. The success of each of us is a contribution to the success of the whole country.

The collective of the Stavropol State Agrarian University is worthily working for the benefit of the native land and the whole of Russia, trying to improve the quality of life of compatriots so that our unique Motherland prospered and developed.

Let it be first in everything, and life in it is always happy and wonderful! Let Russia be glorified by worthy victories of authoritative scientists and a new generation of farmers! We must preserve the priceless heritage that we already have, and implement all the plans we have set.

I sincerely wish everyone peace, happiness, good, prosperity, self-confidence, professional success and our worthy future!

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University

Academic of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor,

Deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory,

the Hero of labor of Stavropol Territory, 

a citizen of honor of Stavropol Territory

V. I. Truhachev

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