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Physical Culture! It's time to learn the names of the strongest!!!


All the battles are over, the results of the XVII Spartakiad among the employees of the Stavropol State University are summed up.

Awarding winners who competed in various sports (streetball, ping-pong, chess, volleyball, darts, relay, badminton) took place in the unique equipment of the sports complex of the university and it began with a parade of teams.

The event was opened by the chief judge of the competitions, rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. After greeting the athletes - teachers and staff of the Agrarian University, he wished them beauty and health, success and happiness, while saying: "We need our students beautiful, energetic, spirited and invincible!".

So, it's time to learn the names of the strongest!

In the category "Streetball (men)" the team of the faculties of veterinary medicine and technological management won a victory, "Streetball (women)" - a team of the departments of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture.

In the individual event among women in ping-pong I-st place was won by the associate professor of the Department of Information Systems of the Economics Faculty Ermakova Anna Nikolaevna. The second racket among men went to the associate professor of the department of economic theory and economics of the agrarian and industrial complex of the economic faculty, Igor Vladimirovich Gruzkov, the first racket is for the assistant professor of the department of statistics and econometrics of the accounting and financial faculty for Gromov Egor Ivanovich. In the team event the championship was won by the team of the accounting and financial department.

As for chess championship, the results are as follows: I-st place in the individual event among women was left by a member of the scientific diagnostic and treatment and veterinary center Kits Elena Anatolievna. The second board among men belongs to the professor of the Department of Mechanics and Computer Graphics at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of Kapov Sultan Nanuovich; The first board went to the associate professor of the department of technical service, standardization and metrology of the faculty of mechanization and agriculture Shapran Yuliy Matveyevich. Well, the best is the team of faculties of veterinary medicine and technology management.

In volleyball there is no equal to the team of the Faculty of Economics.

The winners were also in the darts: among the men, the first was the associate professor of accounting management accounting at the accounting and financial department Bobryshev Aleksey Nikolayevich, among women - the first assistant professor of epizootology and microbiology at the faculty of veterinary medicine Marina Verevkina. In the team classification the team of the accounting and financial department was the best.

The team of the Faculty of Economics passed the baton better than anyone else.

In badminton champion among men - assistant professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy, Faculty of Economics Serikov Svyatoslav Sergeyevich, Marimova Veronika Vladimirovna, a technician of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy was the first among women! There is no doubt in the team classification; the team of the Faculty of Economics deserved the first place.

Do not cease to amaze the team of the Faculty of Economics, which won the category "Job Title" – I-st place. "Age status" was reserved for the team of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

But still, at which faculty are the most athletic teachers and employees? Here is the most responsible and pleasant moment of awarding the best sports faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

III place in the team event and II place in the contest "The most healthy faculty and structural unit of FSBEI of Higher Education of Stavropol State Agrarian University" was taken by the team of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, which received a valuable prize - a laptop. The second place and laptop was won by a team of faculties of veterinary medicine and technological management. The palm of the championship of the XVII Sports Day of the university staff, as well as a laptop and a color printer - now the team of the Faculty of Economics.

Among the faculties that participated in the contest "The most healthy faculty and structural unit of FSBEI of Higher Education of Stavropol State University" the best became: Accounting and Finance Department - III place and laptop; Faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture - I place and laptop; Also I place and sound installation was won by the electric power faculty.

Among the structural departments that participated in the contest "The most healthy faculty and structural unit of FSBEI of Higher Education of Stavropol State University", the champions were: Scientific Library - III place, received as a prize printer; Department of Physical Education and Sports - II place and printer; Primary trade-union organization of students - I place and light installation.

- Many teachers have opened for us quite from the other side. It's just incredible: not only smart and beautiful, but also athletic! - the students of agro university shared their impressions.

Prizes were received not only by the winners of the Spartakiad, but also by the oldest, active participants. Among the valuable gifts, they were given electric meat grinders, aerogrills and multivars. For the great contribution to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, youth policy, active work on the development of physical culture and sports in the Stavropol State Agrarian University were awarded:

- Professor of the department of private zootechny, breeding and breeding of animals at the Faculty of Technological Management, Filenko Vitaly Fedorovich;

- Associate Professor of the Department of General Agriculture, Plant Production and Breeding them. Professor Bobryshev F.I., Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Nina Stefanovna Chukhlebova;

- Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Service, Standardization and Metrology of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Shapran Yuliy Matveyevich;

- Associate Professor of the Department of Electricity in Agriculture of the Electric Power Department Molchanov Anatoliy Georgievich;

- Assistant of the Department of Mechanics and Computer Graphics of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Yakovleva Lyudmila Ivanovna;

- Associate Professor of the Department of Physics of the Electric Power Department Lyubov Fedorovna Maslova.

Also, all the veterans and conferees were congratulated by Nikolai Sergeyevich Naumenko, Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol Territory Committee of the Trade Union of Agro-Industrial Workers of the Russian Federation:

- Sport is an important component in the life of every person. Reviving the sports traditions of our region, the trade union committee of the Agrarian University staff has been organizing sports competitions for many years, the participants of which are given the opportunity to show determination, a will to win, perseverance and qualities that in the professional sphere make it possible to achieve their successes and high results. The very important importance of such events is also in the fact that they promote a healthy lifestyle, promote health and are an excellent example for university students, charging young people with optimism and fortitude.

Nikolay Sergeyevich wished good health, success, prosperity, good mood and always remain in excellent sports form to participants, organizers and guests of the sports festival. For the great contribution to the promotion of healthy lifestyles, youth policy, active work on the development of physical culture and sports at the Stavropol State Agrarian University, he awarded the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Truhachev, deans of all faculties, as well as the deputy dean of the faculty Socio-cultural service and tourism, assistant professor Varivoda Valentina Sergeevna.

The honorable right to dip the flag of the Games was given to the captains of the teams. "I am very glad that we have resurrected those good old traditions that were formerly," the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Trukhachev Vladimir Ivanovich said at the end of the solemn meeting and urged the athletes to start preparing for a new, eighteenth season, in which there will be a place for sports enthusiasm , and luck, and new achievements!

Regulations on holding the XVII Spartakiad among the staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University

Summary table of the results of the XVII Olympics among the employees of the Stavropol State University. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.06.2017 08:30:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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