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"Startup Village - 2017" - a window into the creative city of the future


The member of the team of the technological start-up, an associate professor of the Department of Technology for Processing Agricultural Products of Stavropol State Agrarian University Voblikova T.V. took part in the largest startup conference organized by the Skolkovo Fund for technology entrepreneurs.

The "Startup Village - 2017" conference was held on the basis of the Skolkovo Innovation Center (Moscow) from 6 to 7 June. The event is of international nature and gathers representatives of more than 20 countries annuall0079. This is a unique platform where founders of startups and innovators could meet with successful entrepreneurs, investors, large technology corporations and government representatives and discuss technological trends, ideas and the formation of a new generation of Russian entrepreneurs.

There is a special atmosphere of live communication on Startup Village: there is no division into VIP-guests, there are no close sessions, there are no zones with limited access, there is no dress code. The business program included about 150 interactive sessions that were devoted to researching technological trends, the emergence of new markets, the transformation of business models and the integration of breakthrough technologies into business practices. The format of the event provided the stratapam with open communication with the "legends" of technological entrepreneurship and "first hand" consultations.

Within the framework of the conference, there was an exhibition of projects, where young teams presented Russian research developments from prototypes to finished products. About 150 start-ups took part in the exhibition this year. The contest of pitch-presentations (contest of ideas and organizations) is an opportunity to win a cash prize, get prizes from partners, present your project to recognized experts in technology and business development, find an investor and partner.

The sightseeing tour of the Innovation Center allowed us to visit the "city of the future" and see Skolkovo with our own eyes. The participants of the excursion were acquainted with the history, development features, leading directions of work and town-planning concept of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.

Within the framework of the business program of the conference, the prospects and directions of the development of education in Russia were discussed, including the question of what universities should be like in the future. Speakers expressed different opinions on how to develop the country's leading universities.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Grigory Vladimirovich Trubnikov believes that universities should become an integrator between business, industry and science. Global and significant scientific research, according to Gregory Vladimirovich, it is important to carry out jointly the academic community of educational and academic universities.

In one of the speakers, the discussions uniquely coincided: the university of the future is an organization in which that very future has already come. Universities should work ahead of the curve! According to a number of speakers of the discussion, the "road of the future" in education is a combination of technology, economics, sociology and the unification of fundamental knowledge and business skills.

Visiting international conferences in this format, according to Tatyana Vladimirovna Voblikova, assistant professor of the Department of Technology for Processing Agricultural Products of StSAU, allows you to gain the experience and knowledge that are so necessary for the development, implementation and promotion of innovative ideas. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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