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Struck all of a heap by image and author's poetry


On Russia Day on the Fortress Hill, the 4th year student of the faculty of Economics of Stavropol State Agrarian University Veronica Serikova fought for the title of "Miss Russia - Stavropol" and won!

This year, Stavropol with a special scale noted the main national holiday - the Russia Day. on June 12 thousands of residents and guests of the regional capital participated in the festive events. The main folk festivals unfolded in the regional center on the Fortress Hill. The most memorable, spectacular events took place there, when the beautiful Russian beauties - participants of the contest "Miss Russia - Stavropol" came to the main festive scene.

The girls sang, read poetry and showed their dance routines. There was fantasy, and the greatness of the costume, and the shades of the tricolor in their attires. But the main thing is the image of the beloved Motherland.

Among 12 brightest representatives of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, the student of Agrarian University, whose name has long been heard by the students of the town, was really shining. Veronika Serikova appeared in an exclusive image before home people, for whom Russia is boundless, generous and very, very dear. A talented student of Agrarian University struck everyone with penetrating author's verses about a small homeland:

As a result, Veronika Serikova, the student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University scored 880 votes for the title of "Miss Russia - Stavropol"! With all our hearts we congratulate Veronika and we thank everybody who voted and supported the student of our University!

The title of "Second Vice-Miss Russia - Stavropol" was awarded to a student of Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute Alexandra Plaksina. The representative of SRFU Victoria Brislavskaya became "First Vice-Miss".


The victory of a student of StSAU Veronika Serikova is far from being the only one in the treasury of her awards. In April 2017 she won the university beauty contest "Miss University", in the regional beauty contest she won the title "Vice Miss of the Stavropol Territory", and earlier in November 2016 she won the All-Russian competition "The student of the year" (nomination "Sportsman of the Year" ").

Veronica is a master of sports in Russia in rhythmic gymnastics, winner and prize-winner of all-Russian tournaments. The current two-time champion of North Caucasian Federal District in cheer-sports, the regional champion in fitness aerobics. He is engaged in volunteer activities, is fond of dancing, drawing, trains future gymnasts. The grade student has many other titles: the holder of the Order "The Best Young Russian Citizen of Russia - 2016"; The owner of the national youth public award "The Future of Russia" in the nomination "Best Young Athlete" (Krasnoyarsk, 2016); Winner of the contest "Woman of the Year - 2016 in Stavropol" (nomination "Successful Youth").

Дата новости для фото:  14.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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