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Stavropol State Agrarian University set up the Council of Students


210 students of Stavropol State Agrarian University - delegates of the Constituent Conference elected the Council of students of the university. A new authority of 35 students of self-government was headed by the student of the Faculty of Mechanization of Agriculture Maxim Anuprienko.

The rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, opened the constituent conference of the Council of Students of University. He appealed to the youth and began with the words of thanks. They sounded for students, undergraduates and graduate students for effective work and worthy results following the results of the academic year 2016/17:

- Five graduate students of Stavropol State Agrarian University became winners of Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program. And this is the highest ratio among agrarian universities in Russia, as there are no winners of this program at all in other universities.

For the third year our students hold top marks in All-Russian competition - Russian National Prize "Student of the Year". In 2014, the winner of the Grand Prix was the student of the accounting and financial department of StSAU Ekaterina Voytisheva, in 2015 the "Volunteer of the Year" was the student of the same department Inna Kuliyeva, and in 2016 the student of the Economics Faculty Veronika Serikova won the nomination "Athlete of the Year".

The third year student Inna Kuliyeva, by the way, continued her victory march in this academic year and became the leader of the All-Russian public-state initiative "Hot Heart", approved by the President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva. The honored award to Inna was presented by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva.

It was impossible not to mention the creative victories of the agrarians, which there were many and about which the rector announced.

For example, the vocalists of the Stavropol SAU performed excellently in March 2017 at the XII International Children's and Youth Creativity Contest "Window to Europe" in St. Petersburg. Following the results of three rounds, having bypassed rivals from Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Tosno, Krasnodar, Voronezh and St. Petersburg, the delegates of Stavropol State Agrarian University took the entire victorious pedestal.

The KVN team "The very guys" of Stavropol State Agrarian University became champions of the Festival of the Don League of KVN in Rostov-on-Don, the owners of the Cup of the "Most Funny Team" of the KVN regional league festival "Kavkaz".

Master of Economics Faculty Svetlana Sevastyanova won the contest "Woman of the Year Stavropol - 2016" in the nomination "Successful Youth". From the hands of frontier-governor Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov, Svetlana received the keys to her own "Lada Vesta". The master of another faculty - the mechanization of agriculture - Anastasia Kazakova became the title-holder of "Vice Miss Student of Russia", successfully performing at the All-Russia competition of intellect, creativity and sport "Miss Studenthood of Russia 2016". The anniversary competition, at the origins of which Stavropol State Agrarian University stood and was its organizer last year, were attended by 38 of the most beautiful students of the country.

In the academic year 2016/17, 81 students of StSAU were nominated for individual scholarships, including the President of Russia, the Government of Russian Federation, the Governor of Stavropol Territory, etc. And this is the best indicator among the agrarian universities of Russian Federation! The number of winners of the Russian President's Grant for Young Scientists has reached six. Future agrarians received the residence of Skolkovo, won for the fourth times running in All-Russian intellectual game "The Beginner Farmer", the right to receive grants was won by 8 federal "UMNIK". Three students of Stavropol State Agrarian University were awarded diplomas of the winners of the award for the support of talented youth, established by the President of Russian Federation in the framework of the priority national project "Education". The winners of the award were the fourth-year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Fyodor Zavyalik, the third-year student of the accounting and financial department Inna Kuliyeva and the second-year student of social and cultural services and tourism Anastasia Tishchenko.

In 2016, in All-Russian contest of systems of schools and camps of the student asset, "Organizer", the Student Asset School "Trajectory of Growth" of the Stavropol Agrouniversity took the top pedestal in the nomination "Best School", in 2017 - in the "Best Art Program" nomination. In the same year, the head of the student media center Agrarian MEDIA, the student of the third year of the Economics Faculty Elena Khomutova took the II place in All-Russian competition of student self-government systems, ensuring the leadership of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the nomination "The Best Student Media Leader".

As a result of the festival "Russian Student Spring", the best in Russia in the nomination "Original Genre" was the first-year student of the Power Engineering Faculty of the State Agrarian University, Magomed Kaitov, and the first-year student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Tatyana Khutornaya were awarded the Presidential Prize in support of talented youth.

The new staff of the Youth Parliament at the Duma of the Stavropol Territory was attended by the student of the economic department Islam Yahyaev, a graduate of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of the State Agrarian University of Ukraine Malik Kambarov, and in reserve of the Youth Parliament - student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Igor Zemlin and student of the Accounting and Finance Department Evgeny Basov.

When important results and milestones of the student life of Agrarian University were summed up, the agenda was continued by Nikolai Golovin, chairman of the student trade union of StSAU. He believes that the Council of students is extremely necessary for the proper organization of student work in the university and should be the "heart" of the social, cultural and intellectual life of the university. And the date of its establishment on June 13 will be a landmark in the life of the students of the Stavropol Agrouniversity. Sergei Pivovarov, a student of Electricity faculty, who is also the Student Rights Ombudsman of Stavropol State University: "Today, student self-government in our university will be a step higher by establishing a Council of Students."

It should be noted that by the time of the Constituent Conference, the Student Asset School "Growth Trajectory-2017" had worked out all the documentation related to the activities of the Council and prepared the Regulations for its establishment in Stavropol State Agrarian University. In the future, having established the Council of Students of StSAU, the conference delegates elected him chairman of one of the most active students. The third year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Maxim Anuprienko, addressing the audience, spoke about his intentions:

- In our university there are 9 student councils of faculties and 4 student councils of hostels, more than 15 large student associations. All of them need to be structured and organized so that the initiative from any student could reach our Board of Learners and we already lobbied her on the Academic Council of the State University of Civil Aviation, promoting students' initiatives.

"I want to create such a comfortable environment in which our active students will be able to create new associations," the newly-minted chairman shared his plans.

35 councilors of students' councils of faculties and heads of the largest student associations were directly elected to the Council of Students on this day, and they directly coordinate the activities of university youth in various areas. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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