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Student and rector of StSAU: dialogue is desirable and possible


"We will actively engage in sports, serve in the army and open a student café," decided the students-agrarians in a joint dialogue with the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Vladimir Ivanovich Truhachev. And this, of course, is not all that is to be done together. Plans and tasks are many. But in fact much is of our power!

At the beginning of the conversation, the 2nd year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Yermyshkin Victor asked if a military department was planned to be set up on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Vladimir Ivanovich noted that agrarians -graduates with great desire and now are taken to the most elite troops of Russian army, there are many precedents for this. "And at all times - in the agricultural institute, at the academy, at the university, military service was welcomed!" - said the head of the university. He, incidentally, in his time, and himself a year and a half served and considers the army a good school of life. "I have deep respect for those guys, for those men who served in the ranks of the Soviet, Russian army! - says V. I. Truhachev. - My personal conviction: everyone benefits from this! The family, children and life itself develops in a special way. " As for the opening of the department, in this issue, in addition to the university initiative, a large number of interested students, a decision of many authorized structures is required.

Further, the students of StSAU took the initiative. Victoria Kopytina, a third year student of the accounting and financial department, thanked the rector for the wonderful new hostel and the opportunity to live in excellent conditions, conveyed the wish of many students to organize a centralized laundry or installation of washing machines, and to open a refectory on the new campus.

Vladimir Ivanovich in reply shared his intention to open not just a refectory, but almost a presentable, non-alcoholic, student-restaurant: "In any case, the class is higher than just a good refectory." Regarding to this student refectory of European level, the rector called on young people, including the faculty of social and cultural services and tourism, to submit their specific proposals on this matter within the next 10 days: "The areas there allow you to do something unusual for you ". In addition, an assignment was given to MA Mastepanenko, dean of the power engineering department, and to N.Golovin, a graduate of the same faculty, and now the youth-leader of the StSAU, along with future electrical engineers, to evaluate all the technical possibilities and make the appropriate calculations for organizing a student laundry.

A first-year student of the Faculty of Technological Management Irina Karagodina complained about a small refectory room, where students of two faculties (near the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) come to eat, and asked about the prospects for solving this problem. V. I. Truhachev learned how much the students liked the modern library, which opened recently on 300 square meters of the faculty of veterinary medicine. And having heard good reviews, then informed that the vacant space in the 6th student hostel will now serve as a room for a new power unit. The rector promised to pay close attention to this issue and mentioned that 18 objects of the university are currently under construction or reconstruction or modernization.

During the conversation with the rector VI Truhachev initiative proposals from students addressed to the management sounded a lot. So, for example, the representative of the accounting and financial faculty freshman Latysheva Alexander offered to revive the school of fashion designers, who traditionally worked in the university earlier. The students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine are concerned about the lack of a medical center on their territory, and students of the economic, accounting and financial and social and cultural services and tourism would like to have more functional ATMs installed in their building. "And for issuance, and for depositing money, and with bills of exchange, so as not to waste time searching for the nearest ATMs," explained A. Latysheva.

"These problems are completely solvable," the rector said. In particular, about the replacement of two ATMs, he instructed the dean of the accounting and financial department Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova, another ATM will be installed in the same building in addition.

But the students of the commercial form of education would like greater material incentives for active public work. In this regard, Vladimir Ivanovich recalled: "When there is a clear victory and achievement, we do not divide students, but reward everyone! We encourage the person! ". And then he called the children to think about the possibilities to changeover to a budgetary form of training in technological agrarian specialties. Vladimir Ivanovich informed the meeting participants that thanks to the initiative of the graduate student of the State Agrarian University, the State Duma deputy Aleksey Fyodorovich Lavrinenko, with whom the students of the State Agrarian University met in the walls of the alma mater, from the next academic year in the university there will be budget places for economic specialties and the faculty of socio-cultural services and tourism .

They asked the leadership about the construction of a new sports complex in the 204th quarter. The position of the total cost of 48 million rubles rector StSAU proposed to replace the more effective use of the already existing quite decent material and technical sports facilities.

At the same time, VI Truhachev reported to the students about the solution of very topical issues - the replacement of 53 doors and the repair of 12 roofs of university buildings, including dormitories already securely covered with metal, which removed from the agenda the acute problem of the flow of premises during prolonged rains. In the near future it is necessary to repair atraumatic parquet from the Canadian maple in the gym, which will require about one million rubles.

It is worth mentioning that during the conversation with the students the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University was pleased with the high patriotic mood of the agrarian students who went to Levokumka at the call of their heart to help the countrymen affected by the flood with concrete help, and worked there on conscience, as evidenced by Representatives of the Ministry of Emergencies, and the Stavropolians themselves. "You did the right thing and the main thing - in a timely manner. From the elements, after all, no one is immune, and it is important at this moment to calm the heart of a person with their participation, "Vladimir Ivanovich thanked the students. "In general, I would like you to tell me some points and directions of activity. In the end, all this is done for you, "the head of the Agrarian University asked the students to conclude the discussion.

Agree, not in every university students take the initiative in their own hands and civilized, but firmly recommend the leadership to listen to their wishes, indicating the vector of solving the problems of young people. In Agrarian, where "His Majesty the Student" is studying and "His Majesty the Teacher" is working, for the study and teaching of which the rector is always ready to create the most comfortable conditions, this option of open dialogue is the norm. "Otherwise, you will not know what and how your student lives and what he dreams about, and you will not see the trajectory of his growth," explains V. Trukhachev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The rector is always tuned to a positive "wave" - ​​when the dreams of the students are born and come true, and already in the short term!

So this time the solution of certain problems did not take long. Literally the next day after an important dialogue, the rector of the StSAU already had something to report to the agrarian students:

- All plans for future student canteens are worked out. Nevertheless, we are ready to listen to the initiatives and wishes of the students on this issue.

A supplier was chosen for the purchase of washing machines, which it was decided to place in the hostel No. 5 from the new school year.

"Fashion School" will start its work on September 1 in the ballet class of hostel № 4.

There is an agreement with PJSC "Sberbank" on the replacement in July of obsolete ATMs for new, more modern ones, we are negotiating the installation of additional units.

The first-aid post in the dormitory No. 6 will be open with the beginning of the new academic year, the building has already begun repair work; 25 first-aid kits were purchased.

At the request of the students, two fully equipped workplaces are organized for the Agrarian MEDIA press center and the Board of Learners. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.06.2017 05:10:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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