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Spring School of Student Asset "Trajectory of Growth" StSAU has summed up


During the three days of May, the students of Agrarian University attended master classes and lectures in the territory of the camp "Lesnaya Polyana", studying the basics and subtle details of five educational areas: student self-government, volunteerism, media, student sports clubs association and event organization.

Ready to move to a new level

The children were trained by the federal trainers-experts of the Association of Trainers of the Russian Youth Union, as well as the trainers of the new university, already well-established structure - the Corps of Student Trainer of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Upon completion of the training, participants prepared not only action plans, but also created road maps with quantitative and qualitative indicators, which will improve the indicated areas of the student community, and some even bring it to a whole new level.

"We are sure that in a year the Council of Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University will be a powerful working authority with a well-established structure, a material base that can lobby for the rights and interests of students, as well as conduct familiarization work with them," says Irina Karagodina, a first-year student of the Faculty of Technological Management, presenting the road map of the direction of "Student Self-Government".

Volunteering is one of the effective forms of acquiring additional skills and competencies. Thanks to additional efforts in this direction, it will be possible to systematically solve the problem of involving young people in socially significant activities. This will increase the social activity of the youth, and we will be able to render great assistance to the population, - such priorities were voiced by the developer of the road map of Volunteering, Anastasia Golubenko, a student of the Faculty of Economics.

Students of the accounting and financial department sophomore Tatiana Kirpichenko and first-year student Polina Syromyatnikova took the initiative to create functioning press centers at each faculty. According to the girls, such structures will be able to contribute to the achievement of a positive attitude of the public to the university, strengthen its image. Information, video content and photos will be regularly posted in their own media and the Internet.

Two-year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Maxim Karagichev made proposals for the development of the student club "Kolos" StSAU. His road map is aimed at solving the problems of mass unprofessional student sport.

Participants in the direction "Organization of events" during the School of Student Assets create and developed their own projects. Thanks to the rich educational program "Growth trajectories", the children have learned not only to paint their events from A to Z, but also to attract sponsors and partners for their implementation.

Representatives of Detachment No. 1 offered to renew and modernize the project "Battle of Studios" by involving more than 36 students from 12 schools in Stavropol. Supporting the guys presented at the closing of the asset school rector of the StSAU Truhachev V.I. suggested them to expand the field of activity and not bypass the attention of students of other general educational institutions of the regional center.

To form a professional community of graduates, creating conditions and opportunities for their self-realization and participation in the development of their own university, to strengthen the corporate spirit among the graduates of Stavropol State University of All Grades, consolidate their efforts to increase the public significance and recognition of the university, improve efficiency in training and retraining of staff - these are the main tasks "Alumni Association", which was created by members of Detachment No. 2.

Students of Detachment No. 3 advanced a new intellectual project. Its goal is to unite the three intellectual games that are realized in StSAU, into one intellectual club. This will increase the literacy and comprehensive knowledges of students, expand their horizons and thus it will be possible to form a university team on intellectual games. Also, the activists plan to bring the event to the city and regional level.

All submitted student projects were approved by the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Truhachev, who wished success to the students in their future work and stated his readiness to provide the necessary assistance from the leadership of the university.

Cleared one more height!

Distinguished in the course of the "growth trajectory" was a lot, as evidenced by the solemn awarding of the activists of the School.

At first, the audience was reminded of the photo contest held at the Agrarian University, organized by the media staff. Everyone was interested to know: who is he - the author of the most creative photo or video about the "growth trajectory"? Hoodies for the most "cool" publications on social networks received - Nazarova Xenia, who placed the original "bearded" photos, and Samartsev Dmitry, who dedicated the author's song to the song, which had already become a hit of the agrarians.

The title of "Miss and Mr. Photozones" is rightly earned by Andrei Savinkov and Anastasia Osipenko. The guys were awarded the certificate of the 21SHOP store for 6 thousand rubles. For active participation in competitions School excursion trip to Volgograd received Krechetov Anton.

Mentors of the Volunteer direction in their educational program taught students the ability to pass interviews to all-Russian and international forums, after which the guys carried out a practical task before the invited experts. The winner of the interview for the passage into the volunteer corps was the participant, who was noted by all the experts. This is Poltavtseva Anastasia, a freshman at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Happy Nastia got a ticket and the passage into the volunteer corps "Formula 1", which starts in Sochi next year.

The key point is rewarding the leaders of every team. Agree, how not to support those guys who three days of the School of the asset skillfully directed his work in the right direction. Applicants greeted the leaders of 9 teams - Velichko Vladimir, Antonov Cyril, Sheveleva Maria, Latysheva Alexandra, Pivovarov Sergey, Bayramova Vasilina, Konnov Anatoly, Karagichev Maxim and Kirpichenko Tatyana. All the winners were awarded cups, diplomas and corporate portfolios of Agrarian.

The organizational headquarters of the School of the asset also chose the best organizers in several nominations. The best employee of the media scale was Nadezhda Kolesnikova, the best organizers - Julia Yashina, Elizaveta Plugareva, Raifa Eyupova. According to Nikolai Golovin, head of the student's department of StSAU, the guys were in charge of absolutely everything that happened at the School of the asset: that everything was clean and beautiful, so that everyone ate and tasted deliciously so that they would not get sick. "Of course, each team had its own best, unique and inimitable curator, with whom everyone managed to become friends," Golovin noted. - But nevertheless, we consider the best of the best Bukacheva Daria. "

The Directorate of the Growth Path was also awarded: the program director Janna Nikonova, the administrative director Maxim Anuprienko, the art director Semyon Semyonov, the director of the media scale, the program curator of the Media direction Elena Khomutova, as well as the curriculum supervisors of other areas - Inna Kuliyeva (" Volunteering ") and Victoria Svetlichnaya (" Student Self-Government ").

Another equally important event of the day was the assignment of statuses to the participants of the "Corps of Student Coaches of Stavropol State Agrarian University" after protecting their graduation papers at the School of the asset. A student of the Accounting and Finance Department Valery Rudomanova is proud that she is now a junior coach. The title of trainers was received by students of the accounting and financial department - Victoria Svetlichnaya and Yana Nikonova, a student of the Faculty of Technological Management Veronika Belousova. The head coach of the project Elena Khomutova was recognized as the senior coach.

At the end of the intensive program for summing up the results of the Student Asset School of StSAU "Trajectory of Growth", the director of this large-scale project, Nikolay Golovin, thanked all participants for their effective work and encouraged the children to work productively to implement the presented projects. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  3

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