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Collective labor agreement for 2017-2020 is adopted


145 delegates of the conference of the labor collective of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on June 16 reviewed and approved the new version of the main document concluded between the employer and the employees of the State Agrarian University.

The three-year result on the implementation of the previous collective agreement was firstly summed up by the chairman of the trade union committee of the staff of the Stavropol Agro university Petr Anatolievich Khorishko. In his speech, he said that all the commitments undertaken by the ambassador to the labor collective have been fulfilled.

Then the floor for the speech was taken by the rector of SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. Addressing the delegates of the conference, he thanked the commission, created from the representatives of the work collective and the employer, which for more than two months had been working on the draft of a new collective agreement for 2017-2020 and had come to a mutual agreement on all its essential conditions.

According to the commission, the new collective agreement managed to realize the main tasks. They concern observance of labor rights and social guarantees of employees provided by the current legislation; The implementation of social programs that provide decent working conditions for the University's employees (Healthy Lifestyle, Labor Protection, Support for Young Scientists, Raising Professional Skills for Employees, Material Support and Incentive for Workers, etc.); Expansion of social guarantees for young people, women, veterans of war and labor, low-income families.

In his speech, the employer also outlined his view on the implementation of the main points of the previous collective agreement of 2014-2017. They noted that the required socio-economic obligations to the university staff were fulfilled in full.

- We managed to raise the average salary of academic teaching staff memebers by 18%, the average salary in the whole university - by 14%, to conduct full medical examination and medical examination of all university employees - 1474 people, to reduce the average annual incidence of employees by almost 3%, - stated V. I. Trukhachev.

It is well known that special attention is paid to the healthy way of life of the employees in the agricultural university. Here are held traditional sports days for employees, competitions, including "For a healthy lifestyle." Over the past period 67 employees of the university and their family members have rested and improved their health in the sanatoriums of North Caucasus Spa, the cost of permits for which has been reduced by 20%.

The program on improving sanitary and hygienic standards is being improved in SSAU. At present, 220 workplaces are being assessed, behind certification are 320. Annually about 530 employees are provided with overalls and personal protective equipment, payments are made for special working conditions.

To ensure integrated security (fire, information, security, etc.) over the past three years, spent 82.5 million rubles, including for people with disabilities spent 29.7 million rubles.

In the university, work was continued to improve the comfort and safety of jobs through the modernization of the material and technical base. It was possible to complete such objects, especially important for the university, as: reconstruction of the hostel № 5 on the street. Pushkin, 17, with an area of 13,479 m2 for 44 workplaces and 750 places for living; Overhaul of the educational and laboratory building (house of Popko) in 1860 built on the street. Pushkin Str., 23 / Mira Str. 345 area of 787 m2.

An important indicator of the favorable and efficient working climate of the organization, according to the head of the agricultural university, is recognition of the achievements of both the university as a whole and each member of the work collective:

- For outstanding contribution to the socio-economic development of the Stavropol Territory and long-term labor for the period from 2014 to 2017, high state and departmental awards were awarded to 747 employees of the State Agrarian University. One employee received the Honorary title "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation", 29 - awarded with a breastplate "Honorary worker of the agrarian and industrial complex of the Russian Federation", two employees were awarded with the title "Honored Worker of the Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation", 16 - Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 25 - Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 29 employees were awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 28 - awarded medals "For Valiant Labor" of the 2nd and 3rd degree, 4 employees - with the medal "For Services to the Stavropol Territory". The staff of the university, as well as the professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, A. N. Esaulko, for their outstanding contribution to the social and economic development of the city, are called the shock workers of the Leninsky district of the city of Stavropol.

Do not remain without social support and retirees of the Agrarian University. The rectorate together with the Council of Veterans of SSAU pay great attention to this issue. More than 600 thousand rubles are allocated annually for material support of 316 people registered in the veteran organization.

V.I. Trukhachev, the rector of the SSAU, regards the results of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in Russia and abroad as a common achievement of the collective.

The most important taken height for the reporting period was the fact of awarding the title of the winner of the prize of the competition of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) "Award of Excellence - 2016".

SSAU has successfully passed a scheduled audit of Rosobrnadzor in large groups of specialties "Economics and Management" and "Service and Tourism".

For the second year in a row the Stavropol State Agrarian University has become the leader of agrarian education, heading the "Agricultural Higher Educational Institutions" nomination of the National Rating of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation - "The Universities Higher Ranking in the Russian Federation - 2016".

In October 2016, the university was included in the list of leading industry educational organizations of higher education, subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, approved by the Minister of Agriculture of Russia, A.N. Tkachov. Subsequently, the team developed and adopted the Development Program of the Stavropol State Agrarian University for 2016-2025.

In February 2017, after passing the licensing procedure, SSAU received the right to conduct educational activities on 8 master's educational programs. In March of this year, international professional and public accreditation of three clusters of educational programs was conducted in the areas of: Earth Sciences, Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Economics and Management under the auspices of the National Center for Professional and Public Accreditation (Yoshkar-Ola). As a result of the All-Russian competition of projects "The best educational programs of innovative Russia in 2016", as a result of a survey of the wide academic and professional community of the country, university programs were chosen as the best.

According to the results of the National Rating of Universities "Results of 2017" (the project of MIA "Interfax"), the Stavropol State Agrarian University is in the lead among 25 agricultural universities, and occupies the 47th place among 264 higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation that took part in the ranking, improving their positions Compared with 2016 (72nd place) by 25 points.

Based on the results of the rating of the "100 best universities in Russia" rating (the RAEX Rating Agency project, the Stavropol State Agrarian University ranks 73rd among all higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and is the only agrarian higher educational institution of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation included in this rating, Having improved its position in comparison with 2016 (the 85th place) by 12 points.

The high results of the activities of the State Agrarian University of the last years allowed the university staff to participate in June 2017 in the full-time stage of the contest for the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality, the results of which will be announced in January next year.

The chairman of the regional organization of the trade union of workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation Sergey Grigorevich Marnapolsky, who attended the conference, thanked the staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University for the high-quality training of specialists and the stability of the team, which is based on a collective labor agreement satisfying both parties - both employees and the employer. Moreover, the best collective agreement in the industry of the AIC! Sergey Grigorievich also expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Agrarian University for the implementation of the "May" decrees of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  10

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