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The second victory in the competition "University Knowledge - 2017"!


Tatyana Lomakina, a Master degree student of the second year of the Economics Faculty, Master's program "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", according to the results of the International Competition of Students and PhD students, took the I place in the nomination "Vocational Specialized Competences".

Taking part in the competition, Tatiana prepared the work "Improving the accounting of costs and calculation of the cost of crop production." The scientific management was carried out by the candidate of economic sciences, the senior teacher of the department of accounting management M.V. Feskova.

There are a few words about the contestant-winner. Having graduated from the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the direction of preparing the Economics in the profile of Accounting, Analysis and Audit in 2015, T. Lomakina decided to master the Master's program "Accounting, Analysis and Audit". During her studies at SSAU, Tatiana has actively tried her hand at a number of prestigious competitions: the All-Russian Internet Contest "Modern Accounting", the All-Russian Competition for Young Scientists "The Best Youth Scientific Paper - 2016", the All-Russian Competition for the title "Russia's Best Accountant 2016" ", XIV All-Russian Olympiad for the Development of the National Economy of Russia.

In 2015, she won the IV All-Russian competition of research projects for students, undergraduates, graduate students, researchers and specialists in the development of the agro-industrial complex of the South of Russia. Then, to the jury, Tatyana proposed the research work "Accounting of costs and calculation of the cost of production of annual sown herbs", prepared on the example of the collective farm named after Kirov. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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