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Veterans-agrarians do not grow old, set new tasks and goals


On June 21, a meeting of the public organization of veterans of war and labor of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, uniting more than 250 people in its ranks, was held.

On this day, among the honorary members of the presidium of the meeting, it was possible to see Deputy Chairman of the Territory Council of Veterans Alexei Grigorievich Borodin, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Leninsky District of Stavropol Evgeny Ivanovich Sereda, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, participant in the storming of Berlin, Colonel Pavel Sergeevich Zakharchenko. The vice-rector for educational and upbringing work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Ivan Atanov, chairman of the trade union of teachers and staff of SSAU Petr Anatolievich Khorishko also took part in the meeting.

To the attention of the meeting the report of the Council of Veterans of the Social Organization of War and Labor Veterans of SSAU on the work done for 2016-2017. It was presented by its chairman Nikolai Gavrilovich Guzinin, who then voiced the tasks of the Council for the coming year.

He noted that today's public organization of veterans of war and labor of the Agrarian University, numbering 261 people, is the successor of many glorious patriotic affairs of the veteran organization of the oldest university in the Stavropol Territory. Indeed, thousands and thousands of veterans' fates have intertwined in the 87-year university history. A great many good deeds have been accomplished by veterans themselves and made for veterans of war and labor, thanks to which tens of thousands of students learned the truth about the Great Patriotic War and the heroic labor of the workers of the rear.

A fundamentally new period in the history of the veteran organization of the SSAU began in 1999 with the beginning of the leadership of the university Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. Over the years, she grew up in one of the best veteran organizations in the province. The rector of the Agrarian University attends great attention in solving various social issues and problems of veterans of war and labor. Annually in the winter garden of SSAU the caring leader of the university honors the veterans on the pre-New Year's "Blue Lights" and on the eve of the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

"In fact, not a single notable event and an important event in the life of the veteran organization of the university cannot do without the active participation and interest of the rector of the SSAU, Academician of the RAS V. I. Trukhachev," N.Guzynin noted with satisfaction. - The veteran organization of the agrohouse currently unites 9 veterans of the war, 20 workers of the rear, "children of war" - their 122 people, 107 veterans and 124 people on well-deserved rest. Our organization has been actively cooperating and cooperating with the leadership of the Councils of Veterans of the Krai, city and district public organizations for a number of years, with the trade union of teachers and university staff, who help in solving various issues. We have close contacts with the deans, the department for educational work and social issues, the museum, the student trade union, the student discussion club "Patriot" and the student volunteer squad.

By the way, it is the student volunteers who help the veterans in cleaning and repairing houses, improving the out-of-home territory, caring for the vegetable garden, harvesting vegetables for the winter, arranging the delivery of food and medicines, etc.

- In the university in general, an atmosphere of sensitive attention has been created to those veterans of war and labor who need it. Our principle is: "Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!" Our common position is that the veterans of the university should not remain lonely and unnecessary, "stressed the head of the veteran organization of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

An important point: 8 veterans of the university are single, but there is not a single person living in nursing homes! All veterans of the war, back workers, veterans of labor receive pre-New Year gifts from the leadership of the university and trade union committee, they receive targeted social assistance, they are not forgotten to congratulate them on the jubilees and holidays of the deans of the faculties where they worked.

- We are grateful to our veterans of war and labor for doing a great job, beneficially influencing the minds and hearts of the younger generation, including the student youth! After all, civil-patriotic upbringing is the most important direction of the veteran organization of the Agrarian University, which is rightfully characterized by such concepts as perseverance, courage, wisdom, experience and intellect, - N.Guzynin thanked all those present.

The words of gratitude were personally addressed to the chairman of the regional Council of Veterans A.A. Gonochenko, who met with the students of the agrarian high school on the eve of the 74th anniversary of the liberation of Stavropol from the fascist invaders. Students of the SSAU took part in the round table at the meeting of the Council of Elders under the Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory. The university made a significant contribution to the events dedicated to the celebration of the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, as evidenced by the gratitude to the rector and the staff of the SSAU of the head of the Leninsky district administration of the city of Stavropol. It is also encouraging that at each faculty of the University there are various practices of implementing such an important patriotic work with young people and there are indifferent enthusiasts - active teachers and veterans, student activists.

Among the issues on the agenda of the meeting was the approval of a new Regulation on the public organization of veterans of war and labor of SSAU and elections to the Council of Veterans of the Agrarian University.

By open voting and the general list the new Council of the veteran organization of the SSAU was elected in the composition of 11 persons under the chairmanship of Nikolai Guvrilovich Gusynin. The Council also included the chairmen of the Councils of Veterans of Primary Public Organizations of War and Labor Veterans - Baida Tamara Petrovna (Accounting and Finance Department); Doronina Natalia Petrovna (Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization); Moiseeva Galina Vasilievna (faculties of veterinary medicine and technological management); Zyuzina Natalia Grigorievna (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources); Zdorenko Vera Anatolyevna (Electric Power Department); Elena Pupinina (Faculty of Economics); Kozlovskaya Natalya Yanovna (Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism); Kurchev Vladimir Ismailovich (department of the educational department) and Natalia Kravchenko (Scientific Library).

Unfortunately, the course of time cruelly and inexorably narrows the circle of glorious veterans of the Great Patriotic War - such is the sad truth. The baton of an honest and responsible word is not about a war, but the spirit of that time is already taken over by the "children of war". Lessons of courage, fortitude, human dignity, colossal long-suffering are now the modern youth should give them.

For the next 2017/2018 academic year, the university veteran organization despite the age of its participants has set itself new serious tasks and set priorities.

Expanding the quantitative composition of the organization, increasing the responsibility of everyone, veterans will strive to influence the processes of teaching and educating students. Their desire is to bring up real professionals who love work on the earth, genuine patriots of their Fatherland. The veteran organization of the Stavropol State University was, and will continue to be, a firm successor to the glorious traditions of the university past, striving to contribute to the solution of the actual educational and educational tasks of the Agrarian University in the name of its future successes and achievements. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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