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How to improve the milking technique and increase the yield of cereals


Agrarians at the faculty of mechanization of agriculture talked about new opportunities of the industry, taking a colleague from the city of Zernograd within the walls of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The guest of the university was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mechanization and Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products of the Azov-Chernomorsky Engineering Institute of the Don State Agrarian University I. N. Krasnov.

The genuine interest of the audience was aroused by the speech of Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Krasnov, who stated during his meeting with the teachers of the State Agrarian University and future engineers-agrarians his view on the solution of the current issues concerning the development of the country's agriculture. They talked about the main ways to improve milking technology, increase the yield of winter grain crops and eliminate the costs of their re-dumping in arid conditions.

Thus, Professor I. N. Krasnov reported that a law was established to increase the secretion of milk in mammals, including cows, after the next milking. This occurs under the condition of intensification of stimuli of the breast mechanoreceptors during machine milking. Using this relationship, the scientist believes, it is possible to open a new scientific direction in the development and development of milking technology.

Speaking in more detail, it should be explained: the extraction of milk should be carried out on the principle of squeezing it out of the nipples with their intensive massage, as well as a massage of the udder. In this case, the vacuum under the nipple should be minimal and not exceed the vacuum in the mouth of the calf when sucking milk from the udder of the cow. Here such technical illusion of feeding - that occurs in the nature naturally - allows to purposefully managing lactation function of agricultural animals.

We need to start with their expansion, increasing the intensity of milking stimuli. It is important to carry out justifications for the methods and multiplicity of milking, and also to develop automatic milking systems with intensification of milking stimulation. According to Professor I. N. Krasnov, to strengthen the milk-forming processes, a substantiation of the expediency of producing synthesized lacto genic hormones and injecting them to animals is also of particular interest.

With regard to increasing the yield of winter crops and eliminating the costs of their re-dumping in arid conditions, the solution of the problem, in the opinion of the Doctor of Science from Zernograd, is achieved through the preliminary moistening of the grain, with the inclusion of dressing preparations, and possibly trace elements. It is necessary to have sufficient moisture for germination (about 46-48% for wheat), followed by external drying and coating with moisture-proof nanofilms, which will eliminate moisture losses in grain in the dried up soil.

At the end of the professional communication, the participants in the meeting, students and teachers of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, asked Ivan Nikolaevich many interesting and topical questions, to which they received exhaustive answers. As a result, it was decided to continue creative cooperation between Stavropol and Zernograd universities. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  2

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