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Electronic shooting range - for training specialists in economic security


An unusual audience of "Special, tactical and fire training" was opened at the accounting and finance faculty of the Stavropol State University.

The rector of SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Trukhachev took part in the opening of the audience. It is worth noting that the new audience is a kind of electronic shooting gallery, where the current collapsible models of the original weapons work with the help of laser technologies. Therefore, the study takes place in full, in conditions close to real, which is very interesting, but absolutely safe for both the trainees and those around them.

The specialists will be trained here in the course of studying such disciplines as: "Fire and tactical-special training" (in the direction of "Economic security", the profile of "Financial accounting and control in law enforcement agencies") and "Economic and legal support for economic security." Trainees will learn to use weapons and special means to solve professional issues, to ensure personal safety and security of citizens in the performance of assigned job tasks.

The audience of "Special, tactical and fire training" is intended for conducting lecture and practical classes, group and individual consultations, monitoring and intermediate certification, for independent work and storage of educational equipment. It is equipped with up-to-date and innovative technical means of training, which serve for the presentation of educational information, with the possibility of connecting to the Internet, and provides access to the electronic information and educational environment of the Agrarian University.

When conducting lecture and practical classes using demonstration equipment and educational-visual aids, students will be able to study: the organizational and legal basis for fire training; Theoretical principles of shooting; The material part of small arms; Methods and rules of shooting from small arms; Bases of protection of the population from dangers in emergency situations; Tactical methods of action in emergency and emergency situations. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.06.2017
Номер новости для фото:  1

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