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Day of Russian Youth!



Dear friends!

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the Day of Russian Youth! It is your time - the time of searches, discoveries, initiatives, the realization of the most daring hopes and aspirations, the time of becoming a person and achieving high goals! It is for you - today's applicants, students, graduate students, young entrepreneurs and scientists in the near future to determine the ways of development of our Russia. Agrarian University is doing everything possible to ensure that young people not only received the specialties in demand on the labor market, but also developed in science, creativity, and sports. We want every day of student life to be personal for you - bright and rich, for society - useful, important, creative. The country needs highly qualified, comprehensively developed cadres who are ready to contribute to the future of our multinational homeland, to the prosperity of great Russia! To help you become successful specialists, extraordinary scientists, conscious citizens of your country is the strategic task of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, which rightfully occupies high positions in the ratings of the best Russian universities. Sincerely I wish all bright life events, the embodiment of innovative ideas, self-confidence and focus on victory, good health and good luck in all matters!

Rector of Stavropol State University Agrarian University,

Academician of RAS,

Professor, Deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, The hero of the work of Stavropol, Honorable Citizen of Stavropol Territory V. I. Truhachev 

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